Student Knight (Andrewagreen) Wk - 1-2

52 9 18

Student Knight

I'm a cyber-space warrior;

avenger of wrong on-line

wielding my mouse and keyboard,

counteracting crime.

In many a student bedroom

lurk my merry men

and the marauding maidens

sworn to outwit 'them'.

Fighting our way through firewalls,

raking through enemy files;

bent on nightly errands,

Our only weapon guile.

Targeting the criminals,

fighting against the trolls,

no errand too great or dangerous

fight one and face us all.

But even we are daunted

by what's been uncovered now;

a haunting ominous secret,

a gross misuse of power.

Who is ranged against us?

What must we overcome?

A battle harsh and dangerous

but one that must be won.

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