Izuku alone

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Running was not a great way to start an evening, neither was being chased by police one.

Izuku had just stopped a bank robbery and had taken down the villain, but as expected police and some Pro Heroes arrived just after.

He ran thought alleys and streets, ducked under ropes and poles for about an hour and he still wasn't able to shake them. His hoodie that kept his identity secret also tended to try and fly off; key word 'try'.

'I stopped a robbery leave me alone already, I didn't do anything wrong.' Izuku thought as he felt his legs want to give way from the extreme pressure they were under. Thankfully they did stop and left him after some time, and he was finally able to relax.

Pulling of his hoodie he felt the rush of cool air hit his skin and he slid down against the wall of and alleyway.

The adrenalin from being chased had finally calmed down but he couldn't hear what was going on around him, so he didn't recognise the punch thrown at him until it hit him.

The punch was hard, and it was directed at his eye so soon enough pain flared up in his eye and he turned to face his attacker.

"This is The Black Sculls territory punk, and we don't like people in our territory. Pay up or were going to beat you but you Fucker" the man said, he was accompanied by four other people

"I don't see your name on it, I don't need to pay you anything" Izuku replied as he stood up from the wall one eye remaining closed.

"You're going to regret that you fucking bitch!" One of the men said as they made a semicircle around him.

They started to beat him up, punching him, kicking him with their quirks, one could change his arm into a bat and hit him in the stomach and didn't stop till he heard cracking. One had a small fire quirk on his fingers and started to burn his neck legs and feet and then cut the places burnt until the places were bleeding and raw. But even then, he refused to show weakness by screaming and held himself back from grabbing his own pocketknife and stabbing them. Izuku then realized one had grabbed a bottle, a bottle of bleach and black hair dye and he started to struggle, soon he was pinned down one person on each of his arms and legs. The acid was poured on to his left eye, the eye and the skin around it that was touched by it burned, pain spiked immediately, and he finally screamed. He didn't even notice the one had also poured the dye in his hair.

He screamed until his throat was dry and he though he lost his voice, he couldn't speak.

They finely had their fun leaving with a final warning and left. The boy stared up at to the sky his with his only working eye and started crying...

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