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The auditorium was large and fit about 400 or so students. Students from all the schools around where there, this overwhelmed Izuku quite a bit and before he knew it, he was sitting in a seat.

The lights turned off and someone walked on to the stage, he sort of remained him of a parrot and made the connection.

It was President Mic!

In known to him he started muttering facts as he also continued to listen to the pro hero explain the exam.

Each contestant was split into different arenas with other people and basically, they had to collect points by destroying robots.

A Hand shot up and a boy stood up. "On the sheet it had 4 robots, if this is an error it is unacceptable for UA." He turned toward Izuku that sat 4 rows away. " also, could you please stop your muttering it is distracting this is not a game, and each student is Supposed to be in school uniform that fact that you not is disrespectful"

The hero seeing this was getting out of had stopped him and quickly continued. "That's no mistake, the last robot is a zero pointer it's mostly just an obstacle that you want to avoid."

The presentation was done, and all the students scattered off to their arenas. Izuku was placed in the mock city, he slowly walked up to President Mic. He was running the City arena.

"Sir?" The pro tuned to him

"Yes?" he said and Izuku pulled out a meter and a half long collapsible staff from the side of his pants. It was slightly taller than he was.

"Um... I was wondering if... I was able to use this?" Izuku said hesitantly fidgeting with the metal staff in his hands taking in its coolness.

"Why would you need it, is your quirk not enough?" He said but then felt a staving pain at his heart as the child expression dropped

"I... Don't" Izuku stopped he just couldn't continue; he just barely had the courage to look up.

"You can use it, just don't hurt anyone with it" president Mic said, and the boy nodded and walked away from him.

Izuku soon recognised the girl from earlier talking to herself probably trying to calm down and he started over to her.

He was stopped by and hand on his shoulder, he flinched back from the hand and looked around to see the boy from the auditorium looking sternly at him.

"Are you going to try to distract the girl, she is obviously trying to calm down" the tone was cold and Izuku shrunk back at this.

"No" his voice was just barely a whisper. The horn sounded an Izuku ran off into the field, saved by the bell.

He soon found his first robot, he grabbed his staff and swung it though its neck stopping it. He could hear the Pro hero say something about how there was no countdowns in real villain battles but he soon out of earshot,

He kept on moving running into robots left and right. The others had soon caught up with him and were destroying them as well. Izuku had managed to get about 12 points before the ground began to rumble.

The screams of the other examines filled his ears as a colossal robot began to rise moving forwarded towards them.

Izuku then heard a high-pitched scream from near the robot and he saw that the girl from earlier was stuck under some of the rubble from the destroyed buildings.

The robot continued on its path heading straight for the girl.

Izuku's legs sprang forwards and run towards her. He jumped and stuck one of the destroyed robots onto his staff and slid under the robot to the girl and held it up.

The robot being like Izuku tripped and started to fall forwards and landed strait on top the both of the children.

The whole place was dead silence, they just saw two other examines die from the robot. The pro hero run up to the robot seeing what happened.

The robot started to creak, and a metal poll ripped from side of it and made an opening and someone crawl out and slowly stand up.

Izuku crawled out of the robot with the girl in his arms. (Not Ochaco x Izuku)

"Listener are you and her alright" President Mic said as he ran up to them. Izuku nodded before he placed her down.

As soon as the pro could see them clearly, he saw blood dripping from Izuku's head and a large cut in his arm. The girl had a broken leg from being trapped but had no other injuries on her except some miner scratches.

The recovery girl soon came to heal them, and the girl woke up in the infirmary.

Izuku walked back to the orphanage forgetting the time.

He walked thought the doors and was immediately hit by one of the caretakers, he was grabbed by his hair and was dragged into the man's bathroom.

The man and activated his Quirk and pinned Izuku to the door. His quirk was a strength enhancer and he threw him around the bathroom hitting him against the door, the floor and corners.

He grabbed a bear bottle and hit it against the boy until it broke into sharers and started to cut him with the broken part.

Pain flared all on Izuku's body and blood started seeping from the cuts. The man was a bloody pyco and Izuku knew better than to come back during the day, but his mind had been foggy on his was from UA and he fell right into the man's clutch.

The beating finished after the man got bored and he was thrown into his room.

Only then his tears ran down his face 

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