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The walls of the two-story orphanage that Izuku was assigned to was a sickly yellow, some of the paint was peeling and the wood that held the roof as black.

The air was thick with gloom, but it went unnoticed by the police when was dropped off.

The orphanage had 2 careers and about 13 other kids rang ring from babies and teens. The kids weren't friendly, as soon as Izuku was alone one of the kids pushed him down the stairs as he was walking down leaving a bright red-purple bruise on his right side.

After a week he had a couple of broken bones from the 'rough play' and a lot more bruises and bumps. This was brought up several times to the caretakers, but nothing changed.

It only got worse when they found out Izuku was quirkless. It when from snickers and pushing and shoving to kicking, punching and downright cutting with their quirks. One could make his fingers into knives, another broke the handle to his room, and he had been stuck for about a day and a half before seeing anyone, eating or drinking.

Izuku's dream to be a hero was being stomped on by the children and soon enough even by the caretakers around him, mocking him. He seemed like a ghost to the adults that came to adopt, not giving him the time of day.

He spent 4 years there and he watched as other kid came and went.

Being a ghost had some, advantages, the normal curfew for the kids was no going out before 7 am and hey couldn't be outside after 8pm, for Izuku however they didn't even care what time he got back. He could be gone for 4 days and they would not care in the slightest.

He was 13 and it was almost time to students in senior middle school to try and get accepted into high school, in the orphanage the kids did not go to school. The kids were home schooled in the orphanage, this however did not help them for they just taught the basics. Knowing this Izuku skipped the lessons and when to the city library and worked by himself.

He also spent a lot of time training. Izuku knew that being quirkless he would never had any additional strength given by one so he spent his time building up his body strength and muscles more but somehow if he put on any clothes that covered his arms he looked very skinny, maybe it was from his lack of food but he didn't know.

Izuku sadly didn't eat that much, he would practically only dinner and he seemed content with it, the pain of not eating hit him obviously but it went away soon after, he knew this wasn't healthy by he didn't really have much of an appetite anyway.

His sleep was as bad as his eating habit. He wouldn't sleep of days and when he did, he got barley 3 hours 5 at best, he had insomnia and he spent most of his time making notes on heroes instead of sleeping.

His notebooks were filled by the information on the heroes and some of them filled with ideas he had.

Soon it was finally the day, the exam day. He walked in in a plain green hoodie and long black pants, he looked around to see all the students around him where wearing their school uniform something that he never had.

There was a divot in the path and his foot hit it and he fell forward, he braced for the ground, but he never reached it.

His body seemed to lose weight and he was floating just above the ground.

"Sorry I didn't ask to use my quirk, but it's bad luck to trip before and exam" the owner of the voice came into view. It was a girl with brown hair, she smiled at him as she pulled him up and placed him on his feet before deactivating her quirk.

"Well I got to get going see ya" and with that the girl left. The thought in his mind was

'Oh my god someone spoke to me!" 

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