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He had revived his letter a week after, but his results were not what he really wanted.

In the end he didn't get enough points to get in the heroics class, but he managed to score a spot in the general education class 1-C.

Uniforms were delivered to each student attending so there wouldn't be a problem about uniforms. Izuku was given 2 basic uniforms and was supplied with one of UAs exercise uniform. His ID was also sent to him, information of some books he would need and the times that the school would start up.

Unfortunately, upon reviving these items he ghost status was broken and the beating he received became more frequent.

By the time the first day rolled by him was covered in cuts, even more scars and bruises He had to bandage. He was sort of lucky that he had no broken bones.

He got up from staring at the ceiling and dressed silently pulling on him uniform, pulling on his red and white shoes and grabbing his bag and having a final look in the mirror.

Black bags were prominent under his eyes and his messy hair had grown out, so the tips were black, and the top was green and was everywhere like normal and he use it to cover it blind eye. He finished up and he slid out from his window. He did this to avoid going through the front door and avoid the harsh beating he got in the morning.

He started jogging and it only took about 5 minutes to get to UA and he couldn't see anyone else there, well who would be at 6.35am right. He remembered reading that the classrooms opened at 6.45am and so he got up early to get there.

He was allowed thought the gates thanks to his Id and started to walk through the corridors. Upon reaching his classroom his nerves spiked and his panic rushed though him and he slid down to the floor.

"Are you okay?" A hand tapped him, and he flinched back before he felt calm wash over him. He looked up to see a girl, she had long dark blue hair to her hips and pink eyes.

"I'm Mikazuki, Mikazuki Aki" The girl held out her hand to pull Izuku up which he took and stood up.

"I-I'm Izuku, thank you" Mikazuki smiled

"Mika is just fine, I'm sorry for using my quirk on you" Izuku gave her a small smile.

"It's only 7.30, are you in class 1-C as well?" Mika asked and received a nod from him and then she proceeded to walk in to class after she nodded.

He sat down in the one closest to the corner and sat down and was soon bombarded with questions until someone else came in and she went over to them finally leaving Izuku alone.

He laid his head down on the desk and waited.

The homeroom finally started and there was 20 students in the class. The teacher was a man around 35 to 40 years old, he had black hair and cold brown eyes, he was really buff but not as much as all might, you could see a scar along his neck. He wore normal suit and tie, but it was dark blue.

"I'm your homeroom teacher for the rest of your schooling at UA, my name is Tanaka, but you will call me sensei unless told otherwise. We will be going to the opening ceremony, so everyone get in single line outside" the class got up from their seats and got outside and lined up.

The ceremony was just a greeting from the school to the first years, this time could have been used for something more useful, but it was used for boring introductions. The only thing Izuku paid attention was to the pro heroes that walked on stage, president Mic, Midnight, principle Nezu and many others were on the stage.

When it was finally done, the class was ordered to get into our PE uniforms and was taken to the oval.

"This is going to be a physical and quirk assessment, just because you guys are in class 1-C doesn't mean you're not going to be able to slack off"

Sensei yelled at the tests begun, most of the class did not have any quirks that helped them in these tests and they did not train their physical ability like Izuku had so it was no wonder that he was third coming behind people that had hand gigantification and a quirk that strengthened any one part of their body.

Despite getting such a high mark his quick less nature had been exposed when Tanaka sensei made them say their quirks to the rest of the class before starting meaning that everyone avoided him.

They were dismissed at the end of the day and when he arrived back, he was immediately dragged by the caretaker's room.

"Where the fuck were you!" He man kicked him into corner of the bed and heard several cracks. He was picked up and stood up before he was kicked it the stomach and pain flared.

"I'm going to show you how to fight, look closely Bitch" and with that he was soon on the ground tears streaming down his face dots filled his vision till he finally blacked out.

When Izuku woke up he defiantly was not in his room, he was tied and bound in the caretakers closest. After 2 or so minutes he was able to work off the ropes and get out.

Daybreak was just beginning then so it was about 6, he ran to his room and slammed his door. He changed quickly from his first uniform to his second wincing slightly as he tried to take it off. He slipped on his shoes and bag and made his way out the window.

Izuku ran to school, the passing of street posts made him focus. He got to school at around six-thirty the time he normally would, he walked to the classroom pain lancing upon him as he walked. The halls were silent, the only sound was the tiny thuds of his shoes on the ground.

The faintest sound of another pair of shoes soon came and not paying attention Izuku tripped on his own foot and was sent to the ground. The familiar feeling of being wrapped up came before he fell, sadly this agitated the pain and as soon as the bindings came off, he doubled over in pain.

"Izuku!" The man called out and hurried over to him, Izuku looked up slightly to see the man. Aizawa grabbed Izuku and pulled him up slowly, he winced when he was being pulled up.

"I'm going to take you to Recovery girl" Izuku pushed away from him leading him to look at Izuku shaking his head before he rushed off.

Something was wrong and Aizawa knew it.

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