Who I'm I? And who are you?

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This question seemed to stump the animal but only for a second before they spoke again with a quirky smile at him, it looked nice but oh so strange from the animal in front of him. 

"Though you currently don't remember you have become quite familiar with a student at UA and with the regain of said student you might be able to regain your memories. You might like to meet and get to know some others your age." A frown appeared on Akitani/Izuku's face at the words before it shifted into innocent curiosity.

Akitani/Izuku looked directly into the eyes of the animal hybrid for a long moment before relaxing a bit more in the white sheets with a small nod of his head. Izuku looked around the room before settling on his hands. He stayed like that for a good minute blanked out and inside his own head before he let his gaze once again settle on Nezu.

"Okay." was all that was said after that. The other man in the room looked at Nezu with a pain look but it went unnoticed by the teen in the room. Nezu and the Hobo left the room. 

As they left it was like a weight was placed on his eyes and beofre long he was asleep once again, would it be to much to ask if they would run their hand though my hair was the last thought that trickled into his mind.

-in Nezu's office-

"Why did you lie to him?" Aizawa stared at his employer with narrowed eyes from the wall he was currently leaning on, while waiting for the answer he would be given.

Nezu only looked at him for a slight second, he was holding a cup of tea and was sipping it slowly. Much to the annoyance of the pro hero before setting the delicate china tea cup on his desk before reclining slightly into his chair.

"About what?" Was the reply, but they both knew that he knew exacally what the other was talking about.

Aizawa humored him by replying with the full question. "Why would you lie about him getting his memories back? The doctor made it clear that this was permanent and couldn't be reversed, their completely wiped."

Nezu smiled at him with his normal condescending if not slightly insane smile before taking another sip of his tea befor since again setting it down to speak again.

"I don't think that that is entirely true, I have a feeling this isn't our normal case of amnesia, there is more to it than that." Running a tried hand down his face, Aizawa got up from his place on the wall and walked out of the room with one last sentence.

"Let's just hope your right then."

The rest of Izuku's/Akitani's time at the hospital was one that was quite dull due to him being either asleep few to the medication that he was placed under and the lack of sleep previously to being at the hospital.

Another reason that would be the fact that when he was awake he had absolutely nothing to do other than stare at random objects while recalling what they are used for, it would have been okay if the game of sorts didn't have to be played over and over again to satiate his boredom.

Nezu had come 3 times thankfully, during his stay and on all occasions other than the first they played a game of chess, both won 1 game each and the next game would deside the winner of their battle to strategy.

He had come to inform him more about UA and what he would be learning in the general ed class that he would assigned to, it being the same class he has before his memories were wiped.

Nezu unfortunately was that only visitor he got during his 10 days at the hospital, not that Izuku exprlitly minded but he would have liked to have other company as well.

After the ten days he was discharged.

Sorry for the long wait, had a lot going on and couldn't focus much on trying to write but here it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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