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'Damn it I really messed up this time'

Izuku was yet again walked around again about a week after meeting Erazerhead but it wasn't as peaceful as that night had been.

There was a gang of robbers trying to mug a 'woman'. Upon reaching the alley where the event was occurring, he realised that it was a trap and the 'woman' was really a man. The cross dresser grabbed a knife from is dress a through it strait at Izuku cutting his leg and making him crash into the wall and knocking his hood off.

The fake screams also gain the attention of a pro hero that was close by...

I think you can guess who...


The underground hero quickly brought the thugs down, during that time Izuku tried to get up and run. Key word 'tried', he couldn't move more than 2 meters away from the spot, falling over after 4 steps.

Since he couldn't do that, he tried to make himself as small as he could and unnoticeable as possible, again tried and the hero called out to him.

"You aren't going to be able to run away kid." Erazerhead said as he walked over to Izuku.

Izuku pushed himself back but he hit a wall very fast. Pictures of the men 5 years flooded thought his mind and his arms flew up like he was about to be hit.

This stopped the hero dead in his tracks, clearly shocked by the boy's actions.

He quickly snapped out of it and started to approach Izuku slowly and he groaned and pulled the boys hair and ran his hand thought them. Izuku relaxed slightly at this gesture; his mother did this often when he was a child to calm him when he was worried or scared about something.

This gesture also made him sad and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm going to look at your injury" Aizwara said as he pulled the boy's leg from his bob position making the boy sit.

The injury was worse than he thought it would be, there was a large gash on the lower part of the boy's leg. The hero had to roll the jeans the kid had up to see the full damage.

The pro was horrified from what he saw, the gash was big, and it ripped thought about 3 clear centimetres and blood had had dried at the sides. He could see that there was green slimy liquid inside, but his attention was on the scars that littering the boy's leg and the boy whimpered slightly with dried tears when he stated at them.

"I'm going to take you to the police station" he said and went to pick up the boy, only to be pushed away.

Aizawa saw clearly that the boy didn't want to go to the police station. His eyes were looking frantic and disorientated and he kept pushing him away when he came close.

"You are indeed a Problem Child..."

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