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Izuku made it to his classroom with the slight detour of Aizawa and tripping over several more times that again agitated the pain in his stomach. He made it to his seat and sat down quietly.

"I didn't get to talk to you yesterday" Izuku stirred from his place on his desk and looked to see a guy. He had black hair and brown eyes nothing out of the ordinary off a teen, but his atmosphere around him seemed different them what he was uses to, it felt...calming.

"I'm Saito Eiko, you were so amazing yesterday you beat most of the class in the physical assessment. Is it true that you quirkless?" his excitement was...strange especially of Izuku who didn't experience often.

Izuku nodded slightly expecting that he would just walk away but instead he struck out his hand to handshake "Friends?", a simple gesture but it meant a lot to Izuku who grabbed in with a smile.

Saito by coincidence sat in front of him which made it easier to them to get to know each other, this made Izuku happy to finally talk to someone, well listen to someone that didn't scream at him that he was a waste of space.

Izuku enjoyed to be in company that didn't care about silly things like quirks, Saito had a very handy quirk where he was able change objects around him into items he needed like he could change a pencil into a rubber in the matter of seconds, the only downside was that he was unable to change the item back and got tired easily.

They found out that they had many things in common, surprisingly Saito also like to spend time away from his house to train, Izuku took note to train together sometimes.

Time ticked by as the day wore on and soon Izuku forgot all about the pain in his stomach and started to answer some questions that the other boy asked, basic questions like what he liked and any hobbies nothing to personal.

The day ended sooner than they expected and they soon parted ways and Izuku started to make his way back to the orphanage only to be grabbed by the shoulder and slammed into the orphanage door. Fear spiked as the figure grabbed is mouth keeping him silent and the other grabbing his arm and bent it into a painful position and dragged him inside.

"You running off in the morning is a pain in the ass and made my life stressful so you're going to fix that, and besides you still have training with me, we haven't finished your lessons. Welcome to hell bitch!" Izuku was strapped to a wall with many torture instruments at the man's disposal, dread spread across Izuku's body as he struggled in the straps but that did nothing to stop the knife run though him and a blood curling to rip out of him.

The man grabbed a piece of cloth and gagged him before getting back to his work ripping the knife though his skin, muffled cries were the only thing able to be heard from the boy as pain seeped though. The older kicked him in the stomach and more pain folded out, if he was not bound to the walk be would have crashed hard to the floor.

Izuku strained against the cuffs ripping the skin and flesh that soon started bleeding in rivers down his arms and floor. The man was laughing out loud madly as he made every injury cussing at the child, screaming at him that he was waste of space, useless, worthless tearing the skin of is old injuries.

Sirens sounded in the distance unknown to him as agony swallowed him whole, he didn't notice the door being slammed open or the other presences in the room that tore the torturer from him an took the gag off as salty tears streamed down Izuku's face.

He only noticed the straps come undone and screamed trying to get away kicking who ever got close, his thoughts were jumbled, and senses were blurred he could barely hear the shouts that ran around him.

A hand ran though his hair and he tensed but didn't fight, soon there was a hand grabbed him and he was pulled in. Izuku reached hesitantly drawing back a bit before he grabbed hold of the person, he was gently lifted up and carried away, his hands gripping to the warmth.  

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