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5 years passed since that day and Izuku was now 10 and learnt how bad the world could be.

That day he ended up staying there for 2 days before even being able to move from the spot, thankful someone was kind enough to help him.

He had received 3 broken ribs large scars and was completely blind in his left eye and his hair was mostly black, you could still see green laced in his locks, he was helped and the person that took care of him agreed to not taking him to a hospital.

They were nice but that brought back memories about his mother, Inko Midoriya, the day of the fire had ripped through their house the screams of his mother as she was consumed by the fire and so he left after his injures healed, the ones that could heal anyway.

The fire was started by his asshole of a father, he had returned a couple months before, he soon wanted what wonderful quirk his child had. Once he found out that he failure of a child was quirkless, Izuku started to become an outlet to stress and anger, this was kept secret from his mother but one his 5th birthday, but it didn't go to well, his father was pissed that they had to waste so much on his worthless quirkless child. The man was furious, and he had grabbed Izuku and though him out of the window injuring him. He used his fire breath quirk and set the house on fire.

No one made it out of the fire, both the mother and father died and Izuku was presumed dead as well, no one had seen the kid run from the house after the mother yelled at him to run, no one saw him crying on the side of the road streets away from his home.

By the time he was 6 he had finally understood what happened and started to try and find some help. No one spared the boy a glance and then he finally understood that the world didn't care about him anymore.

When he was 7, he had found a library and started to teach himself math, English and anything else he needed to know including the laws of Japan.

He found an interest in analysing Heroes and their Quirks as in strengths, weaknesses, blood types birthdays, addresses, their real names, age, romantic interests, jobs, family, friends and so much more. It became a habit to learn about the debuting heroes before they even finish school.

Aizawa Shota was one of his personal favourites, his quirk lets him erase nonmutant quirks ultimately making most of his fights a quirkless one.

'I can't wait to meet him!'

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