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Izuku's eyes opened and he was bombarded by white, the place was too bright, nothing like the cupboard he was normally got shoved into offer punishment. Knowing this he shot up from the white bed.

He shouldn't have done that for his mind blurred and he started spinning. Nothing in the room made sense, nothing was how it was normally, there was no darkness, no pain, no snoring from the caretaker or even a cupboard. It was just plain empty space, it wasn't cramped like he had gotten uses to.

In his dizziness he had fallen back to his original position from before, the pillows under him and the mattress softly curved under his light body. He got his bearings back and he stayed lying down as he looked around the bright white room. 

He didn't relied it before but soft beeping could be heard in the room and there was a needle in his arm leading up to a bag. 'Morphine'. Izuku searched his head for what is was and remembered the book he was reading about medicine. Once he was satisfied with know img and understanding what it was used for he moved onto the next thing in the room. 

Well he would have if the door to the room he wasn't opened, he jolted slightly to the furthest part of the bed and spyed from behind the pillow that was was infront of his face. A lady with sunset orange entered the room, she looked slightly like someone that he had accidentally bumped into at some point when he was out jogging. 

He dismissed that thought and continued to look at the woman. A few minutes passed and she left with a file and hurried off somewhere else. 


His focse seemed to not like him and black surrounded him.

When Izuku opened his eyes again, it was to the feeling of a hand in his hair. This ment either 2 things, he was going to get dragged off and punished for sleeping without permission or someone was trying to relax him while he was sleeping. 

Obviously to him the most likely answer is to that question was the first option so he filinced out of the hands grasp and grabbed onto the metal bar on the side of the bed. 

Looking up he saw a...hobo? Black long hair cascaded down to the man's shoulders, dim red eyes looked at him and the bags under the man's eyes stood out prominently in contrast to his pale skin. He was there along with 2 other people one a kid and the other a bear? 'No' Mouse? 'No' dog? 'No'. A strange animal with white fur and a suit on. 

"Midoriya! Your awake, that's good to see." The suit wearing animal said as his little beady black eyes looked at him, Izuku looked at his confused at the name, Midoriya? I'm not Midoriya... The bear/dog/mouse animal seemed to recognise his confusion but had no clue why he was confused. 

"Izuku, I'm glad you're alright, I was worried when I got a call from the school three days ago. Can you remember what happened to you?" Now it was Izuku, he had no clue what was going on. Once again his face looked confused, he had no clue who Izuku Midoriya was or why he himself was in the hospital. 

The hobo man was looking at him but he ignored it. The mouse/ dog/ bear thing once again saw the confusion in his eyes and understood.

"What your name little one?" 'Izuku' looked at the mouse/dog/bear in the eyes then looked at the two that sat next to him, they had turned to the mouse thing and looked at and was going to speak but mouse thing put his hand up to stop them.

"..." I little silence filled the room as the mouse/dog/bear looked into his eyes waiting for and answer. He looked around the room for any cameras, finding none he looked back and slowly opened his mouth to speak.

"My name? My name is Akitani Mikumo. I don't know who Midoriya Izuku is, I don't understand why I'm here and why you called me that." The two other people looked at him strangely before looking at the mouse/dog/Bear.

"Well hello Akitani, I'm Nezu the principle at UA highschool, I have come to see if you would be a student in one of the general ed class at my school." Nezu asked him, the word seem to hang in the air for a bit before and it seemed like there was nothing in his lungs.

When he regained his air part of his mind said to say no while the other kept saying  yes, in a moment it finally eased slightly he finally answered the Animal.


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