Chapter Diez

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Jungkook's POV

I was doing my homework in class when the door was swung open. Taehyung came in and you could clearly see the anger in his eyes. " Mr. Ki- " the teacher tried to talk to him but all he did was give her a look that made chills run down our spines. I wasn't surprised when he came up to me and ignored the lustful look both girls and guys were giving him.

Once he got to my seat he told me to get up. "Hey baby could you please get up and follow me?" I had just taken two steps before he decided to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms on his neck. I really had no idea where he was taking me and was curious but I didn't ask him.

"Everyone get up and pay attention! You see this beautiful human being in my arms he is my BOYFRIEND mine and if you wanted a thing with him or want one well you got one thing coming and that's my foot up your ass!!" A/N Sorry it's so cringey.

No one dared to try, talk back or go against his claims. Once we were out of the classroom I thought we were going to leave the school. I was wrong we went the other way and entered what I guess was his classroom. He took me to the desk all the way in the back and sat me in his lap.

I could feel my cheeks heating up so, I hid my face in Tae's chest. "Now tell me who's the one that wanted to know if I was dating him or not?" I heard Tae as he talked to the unknown person. " Will you see it was umm... a guy who umm... like Jungkook a lot actually for almost a year now."  Shocked about what he just said made me think who it was.

Just as I was about to make a comment Tae interrupted me. "Well you can tell who ever the fuck that person is that they are wasting their time becuase Jungkook is my BOYFRIEND you hear me MINE only. So now get the fuck outta my face!" A/N Once again I'm so sorry.

That actually made me mad. He never even asked me to be his boyfriend. Yes, I know we've been behaving like couples do but he never actually asked me the question. After, that thought I got up from his lap and told him we weren't dating and walked out the classroom. I left before I could see his reaction.

I was walking back to my classroom but hands wrapped behind me tightly. "Now Jungkook what in the hell do you mean we are not dating?" I looked up to him "Yes we are not dating. Did you ever even ask me huh? No you didn't so that means we aren't dating!"

His chuckle made me pout at him becuase, I didn't see anything funny. "Aww baby you are so adorable. My wonderful boy will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?" He probably thought I was going to answer him right away but he was wrong even though on the inside I was jumping up and down. I was going to make him suffer for a bit. "I'll give you the answer later." And I walked off.


The bell finally rang and I couldn't be any happier to get home. By the time I got home I made my way into my room and changed into some grey sweatpants and a purple tee. I made my way into to the  kitchen and grabbed myself a snack which was a granola bar and a water bottle.

I haven't seen Taehyung since, I told him I was going to answer him later. Finishing my snack I went back to my room and just wanted to watch Netflix. After the movie finished it was burly 5 and I was so bored.

I'm still wondering why Taehyung hasn't called me? Maybe he was mad at me for not answering his question.

I stared at my brand new phone that Tae gave me and wondered why anyone would spend so much money on it. It really isn't anything special really any  phone could do the same exact thing at a much cheaper price.

Anyways I choosed to clean my room since, there is clothes everywhere thrown around the room. You could hear the music from outside the house that it probably made people wondered if there is somebody having a party by themselves.

I didn't hear my father walk in, that it scared the hell out of me when he grabbed my shoulder. "Why do you like to see me suffer? You could've just lowered down the music you know!"

All he did was chuckle at me while I just stared at him pouting. "What would you like for dinner you have two options takeout or home cooked pick?"

I was actually craving pizza so, I told him take out. After my room was finished I waited for my dad to get back to eat. Twenty minutes later he came back with pizza and hot wings. It was do good that I didn't want it to finish. My dad and I had small talk but it was mostly comfortable silence. The kitchen was finally cleaned out when I threw the boxes away and washed the cups that were used.

By the time I got into the shower it was 8 about to be 9 in the night. The shower was nice and warm. I got out and when I did all the steam was let out. I put on my clothes which was boy shorts and a black oversized t-shirt.

Seinfeld was playing while, I was getting comfortable in my bed. Just as I was about to sleep I heard music outside. I really didn't pay attention to it until I heard pebbles being thrown at my window with a sigh I got up and made my way to the window.

What I seen next made me loose my breath.

Hey my smol babies Thank You for reading.

See you in the next update.

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