Chapter Doze

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Sorry for any mistakes!

Jungkook's POV

I swear you can cut the tension with a knife. Tae was still half naked, my Dad is looking at us with a murderous glare, and me I'm still trying to comprehend on what's going on.

" Look Dad its not what it looks like." I tried to tell him, but he wasn't paying attention to me! "Tell me who he is now!"

He just ignored what I said to him. " Dad as I was trying to tell you, he is my boyfriend Taehyung and he kinda slept over yesterday."

"What  do you mean he slept over last night? With who's permission I'm pretty sure no one told me anything!" I know that he has a point, but I didn't think it was going to be a big deal.

"Excuse me sir, I'm Taehyung nice to meet you." Taehyung said again as he extended his arm out for my dad to shake.

My dad looked at Taehyung's hand like it was the dirtiest thing in this world. "I don't care who you are! I just want you out of my house this instant!"

Taehyung of course wasn't pleased on how he was spoken to. I could tell by how his knuckles turn white as he was tightly clenching his fist together.

"Look sir, I understand that this might not look good, but I can assure you we weren't doing anything and you're overreacting."

If I thought my dad couldn't look any more mad boy was I wrong. It felt like he was going to explode at any moment!

"Get out of my house you fucken BASTARD!"

I felt tears coming down my face as my dad kicked out my boyfriend. "You know what baby I'm going to go before I say or do something that I might regret doing later." He said as he kissed my forehead.

He looked at my dad up and down before he left. My dad did the same to him as Tae was leaving half undressed.

"Dad please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry that he stayed over without your permission." I couldn't control my tears as they were now pouring down my face.

"Son just look at it from my point of view. What would you do if you found a stranger in your only son's bed?"

I understand on what's he coming from. I probably would've done the same thing, but I wouldn't overreact.

"Dad you didn't have to kick him out!" He just slept over since, it was to late for him to go back."

My tears finally stopped falling as I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Jungkook listen I'm trying to prevent the things your mother did to me when we were together from happening to you as well."

My dad hardly ever talked about the women who gave birth to me. He told me that he was mentally and physically abused by her. It's truly an awful thing someone has to go through.

Another reason he never talks about the situation is because he feels like people will make fun of him for not being strong and standing up for himself.

I get angry at that thought. Many people should know that it doesn't matter if your a man you could still get abused the same way a female does. It doesn't make you less of a man.

"Dad I could promise you that Tae isn't like that." I believe he is a very sweet and kind human being.

A sigh was heard from my dad. "Jungkook I'll tell you what, you can invite your so called boyfriend over for dinner and formally introduce him to me."

"Really are you sure? You don't have to at least not right now."

"I'm sure." With that being said he left.

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