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We will lose people as we grow old, people will walk out of our lives and that moment all we will have are the memories. Those memories are what we hold on too till our death. The best part about memories is that they consist of good parts only. No one wants to remember their sad days, days when they had their mental breakdown, days when they felt like nothing could get better. Honestly, aren't these which make our life more interesting? PAIN DEMANDS TO BE FELT. I read this quote in the novel "The Fault in our Stars" If love makes us feel beautiful, happy then even pain should. 

 Now the thing about pain is that it's not only physical but also mental. A person might be an Eccedentesiast, faking a smile. We don't know what the other person is going through. The most heartbreaking thing about pain is that everyone takes it differently. Even the strongest of people have a breaking point. It's hard getting over people, people leave and the pain they give is awfully beautiful.

 The polaroids might fade away with time, even the wounds would heal but the scars will always remain, they will always remind you of them. ALWAYS. You will always have those memories coming back to you in phases, you will miss them every day sometimes a little more than usual. They will hurt you, break you and you will wonder where YOU went wrong. What you might have done that made them leave, not going to lie, I sit and wonder that too, when its 3 am and everyone's asleep and the blissful silence around. I wonder what could've been done instead, what chances could have been taken, I wonder if our memories would flash in front of your eyes if someone mentioned my name, I wonder if you'd still love my short and sarcastic laugh, my bright and restless brown eyes and that "innocent" smile. I wonder if you still missed me as you did before, I REGRET THE CHANCES I DIDNT TAKE, the "I miss you" that I never replied to. I want all that back. I remember each and every memory I have made with the people I've lost to time. I'm sure yall do that too, in fact, might be wondering that right now. 

" Time is all we have and all we don't" People change so much, it's hard recognizing someone you might have known 5 months ago. This is what time does. It doesn't wait for anyone. All you have are those pictures, the videos and song lyrics to remind you of them. Soon we learn to live with the memories and not those people. Memories bring us joy, make us feel that kind of love again, bring back that feeling.

Rightly said, "Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory". That feeling hits differently when you are with your favorite people and this thought comes to your mind about how much you would miss this moment. 

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