⭐chapter ten⭐

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she stood silent for a moment rethinking what taehyun had said. he have this look where he knows she wouldn't understand it too, although those words are the same to 'lets stop being together' and kai could understand the meaning, the reason but would she be able to? of course not.

taehyun noticed that and he knows her well. his face is ever so calmly that kai thinks if he's fine with it but it always contradicts his words and actions as he reach to push away the hair that blocks her face that was messed by the wind. he says, “basketball match is coming so i gotta focus on that, might skip going home and eating lunch with you.”

“o-okay.. but you'll come home right?” she said and suddenly she realized what she said. 'home' they dont even share that but taehyun showed her his signature smile where he only shows it to her, that smile with his adorable shark teeth and white and eyes like a moon with stars inside. 

“of course.”

its not like they're going to ignore each other and taehyun had also did this to her before too, letting her know when he will get busy because he's focusing on a thesis or projects but there's just something kai couldn't grab on to. maybe its because taehyun admitted his feelings and kai for the first time see's that, realizes that, that all these time whenever taehyun looks at her with this look and his smiles there's a reason.

somehow kai dreams about that smile that night.

so it felt even more empty the next saturday morning. every weekends the both of them go outside to treat each other food or visit some places to relax, which ends up taehyun buying or winning her another plushie of course and today is a different day, taehyun have basketball practice. the sadness evident on kai's frowning face, her hairs a mess, what is she supposed to do today?

she opens her phone and her lockscreen is a picture of her and taehyun doing a peace sign. she suddenly blushed as a thought crossed her mind, we go on dates on weekends and have each other as our lockscreen. waa we act like a couple instead of bestfriends

then flashes of memories where they feed each other, taehyun tying up her hair, and that one time kai sleeps on taehyun's shoulder at the bus and so many more memories, its all so romantic. kai flinched and almost drops her phone when someone suddenly knocked on her door “kai! wake up! taehyun left something for you” taehyun? 

as soon as she heard his name she immediately left her room and walked downstairs, there's yeonjun on his fashion outfit probably going out somewhere. “where are you going?” she ask her brother, yeonjun smugly smirks flipping his hair back.

“meeting my internet for the first time, im asking him out too and might send him here later to introduce to you and mom” said yeonjun and kai let out an 'ahh' as reply. right, yeonjun have like this long distance relationship well friend until later probably but who knows? yeonjun is confident about it though.

“okay so what did taehyun left me?” she asks again.

“aren't you even gonna send me goodluck? pfft. anyways he left you some grape juice and muffins said that he and his mom baked it” yeonjun pointed at a tray at the coffee table and there's kai's favorite grape juice and some muffins there seems to be a letter too and kai immediately took them.

“you did not eat some did you?” she ask and yeonjun make a face where he surely did but its fine, even though kai wants to be possessive about it she knows taehyun would love it for her to share some too. she took out her phone and checked her messages.

my squirrel bestriend❤: 
good morning sleepy head, figured you slept late again. enjoy your breakfast.

kai replied fast,

you already at practice?... thank you take care! my group told me cheer dance practice tomorrow so we can meet again! (=^v^=) i love the muffins!!!

as she hit send there's a tree dot the implies taehyun's typing

my squirrel bestfriend❤: 
just the muffins?

huh? kai's heart suddenly went rapid, she look around her to see if yeonjun's looking but thankfully yeonjun seem's to be busy with combing his own hair in front of the mirror so she type fast.

hhhh loveyoutoo

she presses send and immediately held on to her chest, did she just send that?! do taehyun know she loves her back now? 

a reply has send back to her

my squirrel bestfriend❤: 
i meant if you love the grape juice too but of course, i love you more. i'm going now, see you later.

kai felt like fainting on the couch but she just immediately took a pillow and hide her face in it before looking back at her phone again and re-reading. “aah! im embarassing!”

“what are you squealing about, your crush? you didn't told me anything about last night too.” yeonjun asks her. right, last night at the car taehyun knocked off to sleep whilst kai couldn't even and is silent for the whole ride since yeonjun got car he took the both home and didn't had the opportunity to gossip what happened.

“n-no...” her eyes shifted nervously. how could she tell her brother? yeonjun would only tease her.

“hmmm anyways i dont like any guys except taehyun as the only guy for you alright?” and that didnt made anything better as it only heat her face even more, blushing.

“why are you blushing?”

“stop pestering me dont you have a date you're going to? just go!”

“aight you kid, i'm going now you better behave here, mom's going home at 10PM and i'll be back at 6 with dinner okay? lock the door”

“yes yeonjun, bye bye!”

when yeonjun left the house, it felt even more empty and kai's silent without anybody. she ate her food and watch TV but no one would be excited with her like whenever taehyun's around to watch anime with her or even read her books, or just doing anything stupid.

she opened her phone and scroll through her gallery, its all her and taehyun. there were some selfies they took together at the beach or even at the arcade, a picture with him, her brother and mom at somewhere, taehyun took selfies using her phone too and it all looks so beautiful.

she stopped at a picture of taehyun sleeping peacefully on a desk, she remembers taking it as a blackmail but of course its nothing to be threatened about and taehyun even told her he looked fine and that she'd just delete it.

she didn't and as she stare at a picture of him sleeping, she felt sleepy too. “why do i miss you already taehyun..? why do i suddenly feel these with you?”

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