⭐chapter thirteen⭐

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their hand swings together as they both walk on their way home with significant smiles on their faces, the sun has already set and the streets are turned shade gray and blue but its all pink lights for kai. suddenly, unlocking new determinable feelings between them has made everything better for her, that even if they're in a bit silence its still loud on their minds.

“should we tell your brother?” taehyun asks her and she blinks, caught from clouds in her thoughts “about us?”

“um, i dont think that's a good idea” she answers.

“right, he'll get mad we got together the same day as them” kai giggles. yeonjun loves the both of them and has been shipping the two of them since birth but he wouldn't want a double wedding nor same 'anniversary' that's kind of how he is, its funny “wait we are together?!”

they stopped in front of kai's house, well taehyun's too, “you dont want to yet? i can wait” said taehyun.

but kai immediately shakes her head “im not gonna make us wait anymore longer. we're already here.”

taehyun smiles lovingly “alright. i'll message you later okay?”

kai pouts, “you're not eating dinner with us?”

“mom is probably home now” kai sighs, now that they have something more now there's just this feeling that she dont want him further away now, if only he could stay with her by her side every time she'd be so happy. she wont get use to the feeling of being with taehyun, its everything she cherish.

“dont look so sad now we're literally living across each other” taehyun laughs but he's just whipped and weak as she is, hugging her suddenly, with his hands on the back of her head, securing her and she hugs him back too, tightly even and not wanting to let go.

“taehyun” kai whines as taehyun let her go.

“go home and eat yeonjun would probably think i  i kidnapped you or something, also tell soobin hi for me” but kai is still clinging on to him, hugging his waist and looking at him with a pout.

“dont use that on me” he says pinching her cheeks which she flinches to but smiles adorably.

“fine fine” she pulls away “but um c-can we..”

“kiss?” he asks and kai felt attacked, quickly covering her face in shyness though still nodding her head enthusiastically.

“should we keep asking each other permission?” taehyun immediately held her hand that kai is using to cover her face, he puts it down to look at her being shy who's just lost in his eyes. “do you think i'd say no to you? i've been always wanting to kiss you”

“kang taehyun you are saying things! not good for my heart!” she puts her hand (that is holding taehyun's too) on her heart as if its protecting it and taehyun laughs.

“you're gonna have a heart condition because of me then”

“ah kang taehyun's confidence really..” though she's blushing and smiling “i should go home before you kill me here”

“pfft, i thought you dont want to be away from me?” oh she's exposed. so taehyun's other hand grab her shoulder gently “kiss?” he asks.

and kai inhales, trying to calm down and closes her eyes, their kiss is innocent and sweet. both of them know this is their first kiss and they wont rush anything. it just feels, special because its the two of them and not anyone else. kai wonders what more they will share in their life, now that they also have this love between them.

and he pulls away, ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead before waving his hand “go inside and message me later” and kai waves back, smiling.

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