For will in us is overruled by fate.

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Friday afternoon, Anne, Jane and Ruby were binging Skins, and as much as Anne knew that the show was problematic and did not have the best writing or production, she loved it and thought it was amazing, one of the few things that could vacant her mind.

At that very moment, they were (A/N: huge spoiler please skip to after the ellipse RIGHT NOW) mourning Freddie's death, crying so much and so loudly that soon enough the neighbors would be complaining.

"I can't believe they did that to him!" Ruby yelled.

"It is so unfair, I am so fucking mad! He was the best, the sweetest, this is so bullshit!" Jane cried.

"It was a truly tragical romance, but it was too tragical, I am in pain, I won't ever get over this!" She sobbed, her heart in physical pain, the hurt almost unbelievable.


After a long hour of crying, the three girls showered and started preparing tea to wait for Josie and Cole, who were both taking three hour train rides from Ottawa and Halifax, respectively. First arrived Cole, whom Anne almost hurt from jumping on him.

"Cole! Oh my, I missed you so much! How's Halifax? How's the art biz holding itself up? Have you found a boyfriend? If yes, please tell me it's a nice one, no bad guys for you!"

"Oh I missed you! I'll tell you all in a second, just let me get to Jane and Ruby first, okay?"


Cole hugged the other girls and they all sat down in the living room, Cole on the floor, Anne and Ruby on the couch and Jane on the windowsill.

"So, I'll start with my news and then you all go on with yours, okay?" Cole seemed excited. "Firstly, Halifax is as pretty as always, thank you for asking Anne, and the art biz is going pretty well, I've been invited to expose my sculptures in some galleries in other provinces, which includes Ontario..." all the Girls squealed and started exclaiming how they could see each other way more now "Yes, yes, we'll see each other a lot, and I have more news..."

"Oh my god it's a boyfriend." I whispered

"Yes it's a boyfriend." He whispered back

They all squealed and giggled. Being with Cole made life much lighter, with him, every moment the girls felt like they were back in school, with their biggest worries being with whom they'd go to a formal and which partner they got for a project.

"Oh boy here it goes..." He whispered "It's Billy."

They all laughed, but Cole kept on serious.

"Wait, what?" Anne stammered

"Which Billy, Cole..." Ruby's smile faded

"I don't get it, the only Billy we know's..." Jane smile disappeared with the realization " brother."

Cole inhaled sharply "...yes. It's Billy Andrews."

"But, b-b-but that's not possible!" Jane shouted "Billy's not gay! He'd have told me!"

"Jane, I don't mean to be rude..." Ruby intruded, getting a sad glance from Jane "But would've him, though? I mean, he always made such an effort to be a man, and to be the most manly..."

"But he's my brother!"

"Listen Jane, I know it'd be better if he had told you." Cole took her hands "But I need to say that he was so scared to tell anyone, he let me tell you guys because Jane's his sister — you are his sister, and he wanted you to know, he just... he just didn't know how."

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