Who ever loved, that loved not at first sight?

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"... What?"

"I think I still love you, Anne."

"Gilbert you can't."

"Beg your pardon?"


"It's complicated, I'm sure, don't know if 'shit' is what I'd use to describe this situation as."

"You can't love me!"

"Wow, harsh."

"Charlie's your best friend! And you're with Winnie!" Anne slapped Gilbert across the arm "That is so selfish, Blythe!"

"This is really starting to feel high school. A lot."

"How...? I mean you... me? What?"

"I didn't want you to know it like this, it just got out of control!"

"How on earth did it get out of control?!"

"I was planning on telling you during the summer, but then you started seeing Charlie out of nowhere and I just couldn't! An-and and then, Winnie came around and I thought I'd forgotten about you, but that day with Diana and Jerry... it was too much for me. I thought it'd go away because you were dating Charlie, but then you come up to me and tell me you can't love him and have to break up with him, we get here, you cry, the ice cream lady, it just all happened so quick!"

"You loved me back in school?"

"Yeah!" I slapped him in the arm again "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Wait, you love me back?"

"I do—I did! I don't know, okay! You're making this very hard."

"You think it's easy for me? I don't want to break Winnie's or Charlie's heart! I think Winnie's great and deserves someone who can love her and Charlie's one of my best friends in the whole world, I don't want him to feel betrayed! This is difficult, neither of us can undone the words I said or deny that we don't love Winnie and Charlie as they should be loved."

"Goodbye, Blythe." Anne left some money on top of their table and got up, storming off the place.

"Anne, don't do this."

"I said Goodbye." She slammed the door, taking the first cab she saw go by

She got into the first cab that came by, spat out her address and put on headphones. She couldn't believe what she just heard, the day had been throwing information on top of her head every minute that passed and she was trying to process it all in a single car ride. First, she had told Gilbert everything that happened with Charlie, with little hesitation, then she figures out she has to break up with Charlie because she's still in love with her old high school crush. Her high school crush, follows up saying he doesn't know what to do about his Girlfriend either and recites a love declaration to Anne shortly after that.

And he says he loves her.

And everything went downhill after that.

When the taxi got to her house she just wanted to throw herself on her bed and cry, so she ran upstairs to do it as quick as possible, remembering she had to be quiet about it, she didn't want Josie or Jane or Ruby to ask her just yet. When she opened the door to see her kitchen, Charlie was standing there.


"Hey, Annie."

"What are you doing here."

"Listen..." He stepped forward "I came here to apologize."

Anne's brain went 'No, no, no, no.', she knew where this was going.

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