Brothers Visit

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My Brothers visit:

After 2 weeks:

I didn't see Jackson neither his friends nor Ethan and his group for after that day. It's been 2 weeks, my class were boring as normal then I have a phone call from my brothers saying that they are visiting me today in my school.

I was so happy and excited to meet my brothers since its being 2 weeks I haven't seen them. I told Amy about it which she says whether both of my brothers are coming or just one?'

I replied her saying both and she rolled her eyes saying 'Why can't only Rasmon come not Reymon'

'It's because both of them are my brothers and they love their princess' I told Amy jumping happily.

'I wish Rasmon was only your brother not Reymon so that I can kill him' she replied me which wasn't surprising as she don't like Reymon.

'I wish you like Reymon as much as Rasmon so that you won't be a murderer after killing him' I said in teasing voice making her laugh.

'I wish I wish, HUH? Rasmon? What?' Amy replied with shocking confusion voice

'I know Amy you love my brother Rasmon. I can see in your eyes' I told her which gave blush on her face.

She told me not to tell Rasmon about her feelings which I said ok.


We went to canteen after our boring lecture. I saw all missing boys having their Lunch.

'Sweetie, we are here' Jackson waved his hand which I didn't reply. He look so confused but I ignored him and sit in the empty table far away from them. I can see smile on Ethan face which I ignored it as always.

I ask Amy and Rick to sit next to me as I don't my brothers to catch me speaking with these boys. I don't want 'The End' of my school life. They both understand and said not to worry.

Jackson stood up from his table heading towards us then my brothers enter the canteen.

'Hey Princess, I miss you' Rasmon speak happily and loudly

'I miss you too Ras' I replied running towards them to hug Rasmon.

'You don't' miss me Princess?' Reymon feeling sad

'Of course I missed you too Rey' I replied him

He quickly said 'I love you Princess' before Rasmon could speak

'I love you too Rey' I smiled with my cute face expression giving him hug and then I saw Rasmon face slowly turning sad.

'I love you too Ras' I quickly tell him making him happy

'What are you eating princess?' Rasmon questioned me

'Happy Burger and chips' I replied

'Are you serious? No, you are not eating those unhealthy junk foods' Reymon told me

'But I like it' I said with a pleading eyes towards Rasmon whohas a huge smile.

'No means No, you are our princess and can't eat this. I will have to kick that Aron ass to let you eat this food' Reymon said angrily

'I think you are right Rey, I'll too join you' Rasmon agree with him

'No please, you both can't ruin my school life by kicking Aron' I said trying to stop them when Aron enter in the canteen.

'Who wants to kick my beautiful ass?' Aron said teasingly

'I'll' Reymon & Rasmon both my brothers replied at same making Aron chuck. I giggle at their conversation.

'Sorry man, did I do anything mistake?' Aron question in serious tone looking at my brothers

'No dude, not at all ignore us' Rasmon said

'Yes you did letting our princess eat this unhealthy Junk food' Reymon replied him

'Rey, I can't stop your princess eating those food as you know she will threaten me with you guys beating me off and I am not digging my own grave' Aron speak out making everyone laugh.

'Princess you can't do this' Both my brothers said me

'Yes I can after all I am your princess and no one can win me' I start laughing eyeing my brothers which both nod ok.

'How's everything going on princess? Your studies?' Rasmon questioned me

'Everything is perfect except I miss you all a lot' I replied with sad tone

'We miss you too princess, your laugh, your love, your happy dance and everything' Reymon said looking at Rasmon which he agree

'Ok leave this sad topic, did you make any new friendsprincess?' Rasmon questioned me getting excited

'Hmm.... No, I haven't' I replied looking at my food

'That's good, I don't want any guys around you' Reymon said with serious tone

I nod ok. We all sat down in our table and order some food to eat. I mean healthy food.


Jackson came towards our table and was about to speak when our president Aron speaks out saving me from my brother.

'Jackson, Is everything alright? You want to talk to me?'

'Sorry President, I was by passing this table and saw you so thought of saying Hi' Jackson replied looking at my brothers.

'Oh I see, I didn't see you for past 2 weeks. Where were you?' Aron question him

'I had some family issue so I didn't attain the class. I hope you understand' Jackson replied looking at me

'Oh yes, that's fine Jackson and you may leave now' Aron told him and he leave

My brothers ask Aron who was he which he replied just a normal student trying to impress their president. They both said 'Kids these days are very smart' smiling

It was a great time with my loving brothers and now time to say goodbye.

'Bye Princess, we will miss you and love you forever' my both brother told me and hug me

'I will miss you and love you too forever' I said them and wave them bye


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