Alpha and my past

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Next day, I was going to my class when I saw Ethan with his eyes colour changing holding up one guy (rouges) which he was going to punch him.

I quickly run towards Ethan trying to defend that guy then He looked at me with pure black eyes same like yesterday which then slowly changed to normal blue eyes. I was shocked to see his eyes colour changing but didn't say anything.

He might have realised looking at my face expression so quickly grabbed my hand and took me to the corner door then He hugged me as usual, which I can't understand him (why?) he always hug me wherever he meets me.

'Ethan, what's that with your eye colour? Why was it changing? Is it because you are a dog as well? I mean wolf same like Jackson?' I questioned him which shocked him but slowly nod yes.

I was standing still in corner not sure what to talk when Ethan wrapped his hands around me saying 'I am sorry baby, I should have told you earlier. I was afraid that you might leave me if I tell you being me a werewolf but how did you know Jackson is wolf?'

I did explain him about my past and how I met Jackson. He looked at me with so much of love and scared in his eyes that literally melting my heart.

'Ethan, please don't give me that look.' I said him

'Baby, first tell me that you won't leave me alone' he replied

I wasn't sure what to say? As I know it's only a while I meet him but I am so much attracted to him that it hurts me thinking of leaving him alone. It looks like some magnet is pulling me towards him.

Then I told him that I won't leave him alone resting my head in his chest and ask him to tell me everything about these werewolf stuffs as I seriously need to know about it.

Ethan explained me everything about werewolf and their mates. He told me that Jackson pack is their rival pack. He even told me that I am his mate and this mate bond always attract me towards him. I am guessing he might be telling truth as I am always attract towards Ethan.

He also told me that they have got moon-goddess who is known as their god and she always cares about werewolves. I was listing to him then suddenly realisation hits me that I have got moon necklace which belongs to my real parents which he might know about it.

I quickly turned towards Ethan and showed him my necklace saying whether he knows anything about it or can read what's engraved in it or not? His eyes colour kept on changing with shocking asking me where I got this necklace from.

I told him that I was an adopted child of my parents and they found me in the jungle with this necklace on my neck.

'This can't be true' Ethan speaks out with shocking surprise

'What happen Ethan? What does it mean? Why are you surprise?' I questioned him

'Baby look calm down, if what I think is true than your life is in danger. You are not what you think, Aghhh... how can I explain you' Ethan runs his hand in his hair.

'Explain me Ethan then I can understand please' I repliedplacing my hand on his cheeks.

He took a deep breath holding me onto his hug and start explaining 'Baby, that necklace which you are wearing belongs to the Queen Meglin & King Anderson of Snowlight Pack. Snowlight pack was the strongest pack in the whole world full of invincible powers so everyone used to call them King and Queen instead of Alpha & Luna.'

'Queen Meglin was a pure snow white wolf (daughter of moon-goddess), she was very strong and possess the invincible power which can easily beat anyone. My dad told me that Queen was pregnant with a baby girl which makes their enemies took advance of that situation. Vampires & Roughs together attack them to steal her power. Everyone got killed including King and Queen'

He paused for a while and look at me then I asked him to continue.

'We all think that baby girl born on Snowlight Pack was dead since no one could find her body but I might be wrong. I mean how come you have that moon necklace? I mean, are you the daughter of Queen Meglin & King Anderson? Can you shift baby?' Ethan questioned me

It made me confused and shock to take everything together in one go. So I replied him,

'No Ethan, I don't think I can shift and I don't think I have got any past with Snowlight Pack, it might be a mistaken that I got this necklace' I replied.

'Baby, you might be right but queen has got a power so I am thinking she might have teleport her baby girl somewhere in human world to keep her safe. You might be their daughter as no one can have the royal moon necklace except their heir' He told me

I was surprise to hear him saying and questioned him, how does it feel like shifting? Or how do they shift? Which he replied saying normally werewolf shift in full moon night for the first time. It's very painful for the first time.

'My necklace always shines like a bright moon in full moon night making me feel uneasiness' I told him which opens his eyes wide.

'Now I got it behind this necklace history. Baby I think your necklace prevents you from shifting, it might be made out of your mother power who is trying to protect you in human world.' Ethan said

I was surprise and told him 'If I take this out can you sense me different?' taking out the necklace from my neck.

Ethan eyes suddenly changed into love, passionate and lust. He start kissing me deeply onto my lips asking for the permission which I try to stop but failed.

He bite my lower lip making me gasp and gran him entry. He then moved towards my neck kissing softly and after fewminutes I feel his canines teeth stuck into my flesh making me scream out of pain. It hurts too much.

Ethan quickly jump aside and he gave me the apologies looks in his eyes. He started licking my neck to stop the blood.

'I am so sorry baby, I couldn't control my wolf Colin, and hetook over me and marked you. I am so sorry baby as your scent is too much addictive which I can't resist, I love you baby and I don't want to hurt you' He kept on apologising me

I was angry with him but same time happy knowing that he loves me. I too can't stay away from him.

'Ok then, you are forgiven Ethan but why did you act so weird?' I questioned him

'It's because I can smell you and sense you baby. You are so much addictive to me that I can't control my wolf' Ethan replied me looking straight into my eyes with full of love and truth.

'Your wolf?' I questioned him

'Yes my wolf Colin, he likes you a lot baby from the first day he saw you, he always forced me to mark you which I kept controlling but now when I smell you, I couldn't control himanymore and Colin took over me' Ethan reply in sad voice

'Oh, I see. So, do you think this necklace is something to do with my past and werewolf shifting?' I questioned him

'I can't guarantee it but I think so. Please baby, always wear this necklace and never take it off as I don't want any dangersnear you. I will be in your home on full moon night' Ethan said

I told him ok smiling and hugging him. He looked so happy and proud of himself as if he won the lottery.


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