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We 3 then went back to Aria room without looking at those boys. Ethan keeps on trying mind-linking me which I keeps time shut down.

I am sure he might be angry now since I can feel his heat. It makes me smile teasing him.

We shut the room door so that they can't come in and start doing girly talks. It looks like Aria loves going out in public and same for Jen whereas I am totally opposite.

I told them that my dad and brothers never let me go out being too protective which they both said 'How have you been surviving?'

Which I replied 'By breathing in oxygen and giving out carbon oxide' making them laugh.

Aria told me that her mom & dad really wants to meet me. They are so happy that finally Ethan found his mate and hopefully he will treat all women nicely.

It looks like Ethan was a harsh person, no mercy especially to girls who tries to impress him. He never had any girlfriend and always treat them like a football. I mean kicking them out of his life.

She even told me that the day he saw me was the happiest day of his life. He keeps on talking about me and stalking me wherever I go. They have never seen Ethan will be a lost puppy.

We all laugh out loud hearing about Ethan life then I told them that I have given him the nickname 'Alpha Ethu Pithu' which he doesn't like it

'What does Ethu Pithu mean?' Aria questioned me giggling

'It means nothing, just a rhyming word as he keeps on teasing me so I randomly make it' I replied making those two laugh loud rolling on the bed.

Aria came up with an idea of giving each boys their nicknames which we agree. We then start guessing their nicknames laughing out loud thinking how will they react.

Ethan became Ethu

Derrek became Deru

Austin became Augu

Styles became Sulu

We have a girly secret saying that we won't let them knowtheir nicknames but we 3 can access it to indicate without letting them know.

Jenny is the best Chef since she took cooking class. Therefore, I and Aria insist her to cook dinner for tonight and we both will help her which she happily said 'yes'

'Girls, we need to go for shopping to get fresh vegetables' Jen said

'Ok chef, let's go' we both said together giggling

'But I don't have dress' Jen told us which

Aria happily replied 'Why can't you burrow my dress, I have lot and you too Mel' pointing me

Actually, I was normal wearing jeans and t-shirt but these girls forced me to change to a beautiful matching dress as if we 3 are bridesmaid.

We 3 finished our dress and light makeup then walk downstairs where those 4 boys are watching football in TV.

As soon as we hit the floor, those boys' turned towards us and their face expression. Oh god, I might die on the spot laughing out loud.

'Augu is blushing' Aria speaks out

'Yeh, not only him but Deru as well, look his eyes' I said making them giggle

'Aww, Sulu looks so cute' Jen speaks out

'Ethu beats them all' both said together making us laugh

'Poor boys looks surprising with our sisterhood love' I said teasingly smirking at Ethan.

My Love for you (Alpha Ethan)Where stories live. Discover now