46. Neglected

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I could not believe that last night actually happened. I barely got any sleep that night because I was too mesmerized by the memories of Jordan... lying under me... loving everything I did to him...

I blushed hard when I thought about him. He was sleeping right next to me, his head pressed against my chest and hand resting on my side. I held him tightly against myself. Neither of us had any clothes on, so I could feel his warm, soft skin all around me under the covers.

The worst fear I had last night was that I would hurt him or make him lose his trust in me. For the first time ever, I wished I had a smaller package because the thought of hurting him was almost unbearable. But I think it went well. He seemed to enjoy every second of our intimate moment together. I was as gentle as I could possibly be, moving slowly and making sure he didn't get uncomfortable even once.

I wanted to focus only on his pleasure, but I had to admit I was having trouble with it. It had been our first time, after all, and no matter how many times I had tried to imagine how it would be like with him, nothing had prepared me for how good and amazing it was.

And I couldn't even tell which part was the best, the foreplay or the act itself or the cuddling afterwards... Everything had been simply amazing. Jordan was amazing. Being with him was amazing. The quiet sounds of pleasure, the small smiles and the warm glances he gave me... his hot skin against mine when he wrapped his arms and legs around me, the light shivers that went through his body during our climax...

I was getting myself in trouble by thinking about it all, so I had to stop myself from going back to those memories. And then I had to do it a dozen times more after that.

The only thing that could finally stop me reliving last night was the purple eyes that suddenly opened right in front of me. Jordan stared at me for a moment, still partly asleep, but then he smiled and stretched his body before hugging me tightly.

"Good morning," he purred, and kissed my shoulder. His hot lips were almost too much for my morning wood.

"Good morning," I replied, and his lips found their way up to mine.

We kissed for a long time without saying a word. His lower half was pressed against mine so I knew for a fact that I wasn't the only one still feeling the heat of last night. It was a thrilling feeling, especially when Jordan wrapped his leg around my waist, pushing me on my back so he could climb on top of me.

That wasn't the first time he had done that, but now... We still had no clothes on... I couldn't stop my hands from wandering onto his hips, and a moment later to his thighs, as we continued making out. He was getting me in all kinds of trouble now.

"Next time, I want to do it like this," he whispered against my mouth, moving his hips a little.

"Uh-huh... And when will that be...?" I muttered, trying to keep my head straight.

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