His quirk(s)

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No ones POV:

As the two children were outside in the snowy area they sat on the bench. Y/n had an idea to ask Shoto about his quirk since he asked her about hers which wasn't much to talk about. We have said she is in fact quirkless for now.

Y/n was about to ask her question on little Shoto's quirk...

Y/ns POV:

"Sooo Sho you want to tell me about your quirk since I told you about mine?" I was nervous since I didn't know how he would respond. I was twiddling my fingers waiting for an answer.

Shotos POV:

She finally asked about my quirk. I was actually excited to tell her about it, finally. But as I was about to say something and open my mouth I had gotten emotional...

Y/ns POV:

Sho was about to answer but he got a little emotional. I saw a tear roll down his face. It made me heartbroken even thought I just met him, it felt like I had known him for years. He is my bestfriend and I have to help him through thick and thin. He was about to get up, but I beat him to it and grabbed his shoulder to sit back down.

Sho put his head down. I lifted it up with my small hand. "You don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed about your quirk, I bet it will be great and awesome just like you Shoto" I gave him a warm hearted smile. After that I wiped the two single tears that had rolled down his face.

Shotos POV:

"It's not about my quirk it's about.......my......" am I really telling this to y/n now "its my father okay" guess I am.

"What about your father, isn't he like a big famous hero #2 I think?" If only y/n could be there when I get torcherd and have training. I thought.

"It's only that he pushes me to hard to be the best even at my age. I don't even have time to be an actual kid unless it's here at school" I paused a bit before continuing. " Before you came y/n, I had no friends, and I didn't want to interact with anyone who didn't come towards me." I inhaled a deep breath not wanting to cry again. "Im just always so quite and I feel like somethings wrong with me."

I felt like crying again but I didn't because she made me feel better.

Y/ns POV:

I felt so bad for Shoto so I did what my mom used to do, and what my dad still does today.

I hugged him like there was no tomorrow. I felt like crying but then it would reflect back at Sho and I wouldn't want to do that.

I wouldn't want to make him cry anymore.

"That's fine Shoto you can tell me another time but for now, lets change the subject" I pulled out of our hug.

"Alright but what do you want to know about me? I still have to answer at least a random question" He said as i sat back down and faced him. "Alright um so when's your um birthday, I guess?" He looked at me with wide eyes then the colours went back to normal.

"My birthday is actually January 11" he states scratching the back of his neck. (A/N:I know i put it was like November or something but lets just move forward to this month time period)

"Wait a minute isn't that" "Alright students its time to go home your parents are here!" We heard Mrs. Neal call as the whole class including me and Sho ran inside the door. We has became wild animals again.


"Hello Mrs. Neal I'm here to pick up y/n l/n" your father was at the door waiting for you. "Yes of course come on Y/n!" You quickly said bye to Shoto and hugged your dad before you left the school.

"Sooo little hero how was school?"

"It was AMAZING!!!" And you told him about your day in the car

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