UNO! Lonely Brother

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Uno in this chapter is actually the game lol. Took more lessons on spanish and found out uno means one. Uno could also mean one lonely brother in this chapter. 21 questions is also a game. Will be explained in this chapter Craziness is about to go DOWN! XD Enjoy~

After an WHOLE week of training again, what's new, the students of 1A had the weekend all to themselves.

Being the crazy, wild, and sleep deprived teens they are everyone still wanted to hang out.

They all had grown very close together in just the few months they spent in the hero course. Everyone felt like a second family, or the first that they never experienced to have.

All of the classmates were going to spend the night at the Bakuvou Resident's. But why Bakugou he's the worst?! You may all me thinking this.

Well number one is because his mom is the BEST parent ever. Like, who slaps their kid in front of two teachers, Mitsuki does!

Number two is because he lost rock paper scissors to every kid in the class. Even Hagakure for some reason. As pissed as he was, Mitsuki loved that her son made "friends" and thought it was a nice thing to do. She is totally the opposite of her hot headed son when it comes to these things.

Still, I don't know how Bakugo will survive tonight. He may be murdered to death by extras talking to him, Deku just touching his things, or his bedtime. Who knows!

It was currently 4:35 p.m. and everyone, excluding Mineta because Bakugou strongly disagreed to kick him out, was slowly arriving at his big house.

You see they would've done it at Momo's house but sigh, she is just way too rich for any of them. They feel like a couple of peasants in her presence, more likely to feel like that in her own mansion.

Iida's house would've worked to but he would be to, strict. Although his parent's wouldn't be home he would fill in as the 'dad' for everyone. Before anyone even had asked him if they could hang out at his house he pulled out a mega scroll that contained 'contract rules'.


Then there was our sweet cold icy-thot boy. Probably the most rich of them all to be honest.

No one even dared to ask to stay at his house. Not even his own girlfriend volunteered. They would all end up going home sweaty from Endeavors training and rudeness.

Some, and by this I mean Kaminari and Mina, may go back home traumatized. Fuyumi would definitely be welcoming but it just wasn't enough. Plus, these teenager's would get her tired.

The last of the kid's had arrived, Shoto and Y/n. "Ohhh why did you two come together huh? Were you two busy before coming~ Give me details!" Mina said creeping up on them with a friendly smile but her pupils said otherwise.

Your cheeks tried not to get red but it didn't work. "N-no we just live close by that's all don't question us!" You said shaking your hands. Shoto just nodded. How is he still so calm?! You thought frustrated as you heard someone clap very loudly.

"YES you're all finally here!" Mitsuki came out from the kitchen looking at everyone with loving eyes. "Uh Hello." Every student waved at her with a small small as well.

"Sorry for my intrusion I'm just so jazzed that you're all real! My son has made friend's!" Mitsuki said wiping a small tear that was escaping her red orbs.

"GET OUTTA HER OLD HAG NO ONE WANTS YOU!" Bakugou shouted at his mother with an annoyed face. Mitsuki's loving eye's from before just changed in a couple of milliseconds. Instead of a happy red they were a fiery raging one.

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