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A few of my relatives were over and of course I was watching anime, Hunter x Hunter to be exact. I didn't notice that my bluetooth wasn't connected to my phone and as we were all in the sitting room Hisoka just had to have an orgasm. That is all. Enjoy readers~

??? POV

I had officially gotten back from following Y/n and the youngest sibling of the Todoroki family. Since it had started to rain I decided I was done for the night. I can't have anyone finding out who I am because I'm soaking wet.

I opened the door and was greeted by a freezing sensation. I would be suprised be but then again, it always feels like that here. My mind and heart have gotten used to it by now. Quickly taking off my jacket and throwing it on the couch an annoying adult boy groaned. "Geez don't just throw it carelessly around. Im tryin' to sleep here.

"Well maybe you should think about sleeping in your own damn room. You have one for a reason." I snapped back at him earning a low growl. "Fine whatever ya say loner." "Haha very funny look who's talking." I removed my jacket from the couch and hung it behind the door.

He scoffed and got up to make his way to the room. "Touché." The last thing I saw was his long black coat torn from the back. That's unusual. "Oh hey your back. Did you follow them all of the way like you said you would?" I know thag voice all to well.

"Actually very funny story you'll for sure die of laughter." I forced myself to laugh awkwardly. He still had a straight face. "I only laugh when I see heroes crying in dispear and pain." The words in that one sentence changed to sound very sinister and dripping with venom.

I had gave up to make him "happy" with me. That's one of the reasons I left, I can never be unique or please myself even if I tried. I lifted my arms up in defense. "Alright you got me. It started to rain and I couldn't risk the chance of someone recognizing me and then finding" I moved my hands around to gesture the room "this."

I could see from a little opening of his mask that he rolled his sleepy eyes. "That's quite alright if the job didn't end as it should have. What really matters is if you acquired the neighborhood and located the school." Another person joined in from behind the counter and I nodded taking a seat. "Sure did. They both go to the most prestigious hero school called UA High and surprisingly she and the youngest son live rather close by." He passed me a drink which I took with gratitude. I chugged it straight down and placed the glass cup down. "Thanks." He snatched the drink and wiped it down.

"Your welcome. Thank you also for taking the big risk of going out for research. Who knows if you would've gotten caught by the police enforcement or local heroes." My finger was making weird patterns on the counter as I listened to him. "Yeah but it seems am not the only one who went out."

I raised my head and shook it implying were the younger boy went to his room earlier. "I saw that his jacket was sort of torn and messed up. Something happen?" I heard him sigh while clinking the cups as he put them back. "Well, why don't you ask him yourself." I stretched and shifted around in my chair. "How come it's always me?" "Because you have much experience in that area. Please check up on the poor boy it's the most you could do before night fades."

I sucked in a deep chunk of oxygen before exhaling it out again. Then I got up from my seat and dusted down my blouse. "Okay I will." I gave into his words and I strided to his room.

As I approached his room I began to prowl lower towards the door. I stood by the edge and it was closed shut. Should I really be bothering him? I rethought the decision one last time and knocked on his door. I had heard some shifting coming from inside before a voice spoke. "I know it's you so what do you want?" "Look I just want to have a small talk with you." I answered him. "No, go the hell away." God this boy is so stubborn sometimes.

"Look just let me in. I won't stay for a long time I just want to talk." I stopped rubbing my temple and massaging it with my index and thumb. "If you haven't noticed I care for you so much kid. Please let me in or else I will bust this door down with my body I swear." With that I earned a deep chuckle from the other side and the noise of the door unlocking. I always win.

"What are you waiting for? I already opened the door like a "gentlemen". He rolled his eyes as he made room for me to step inside. "Now your not acting much like a gentleman huh." I rubbed the spiky top of his hair with my hand. "Hey watch it! This takes a long time for it to actually be like this." He fixed it with some of his saliva. "Okay okay big baby calm down. Like I said let's just talk, I won't take up much of your time."

I plopped myself onto his bed and patted the open spot next to me telling him to sit. He hesitantly obliged and sat down next to me fiddling with his thumbs. "I noticed that the back of your jacket was torn and messed up." Since he was sitting and it was pretty long I grabbed the end and began waving it around his droopy face. "That's none of your business." He quickly snatched it from me and placed it freely on his lap, with his hand on top.

"Actually it kinda is because 1 I'm older and 2 I might no show it because I seem cold but I care about you and everyone else here." I acknowledged and picked up his slightly burned hand. "I've been here since for as long as I can recall. As soon as you came I wanted to treat you like the son I never had. So please just talk to me, it's all im asking."

I could see the look in his eyes. They looked, dead, and sad. "Alright I guess I could tell you since you care so much." He fully peeked over at me and I genuinely smiled at him. "So what's wrong ma boy?" I questioned him and he sighed before speaking.

"You weren't the only person that went out in the city today. I went in hidden by the train station to get some clues too. I saw the old videos playing on the TV from the sports festival or things like that. I left the station and walked in town. Then I noticed that there was this smoke coming from in front of me. I saw that it was a building that was on fire. People were coming out coughing and there were no heroes on guard in those parts. I couldn't help but to re live my past and it reminded me of how I got all of my hideous scars. The next thing I did shocked me and sent chills through my spine. I ran towards the building with my hoodie on top of my jacket and saved the last of people. That's why it's torn and a little bit burned." He told me EVERYTHING.

"Oh my goodness I didn't even reali-" I spoke before he cut me off. "It was so stupid of me I know, I'm an idiot." I felt a wet sensation falling down on my hand and pants constantly while he stared down again. He's crying. "Why would I think someone like me would do that? Im a villian not a hero. I will never be able to be one. What I did was so STUPID?!" His hot tears ran down even more on his face and his breathing was getting hitched at each word. "Hey it's fine look at me."

He didn't turn and kept crying. "I said LOOK AT ME!" His head shot up and his eyes were swollen and all red from his crying. I pulled him in a tight embrace and didn't let him escape it. "Stop I don't want to hurt you." He spoke in a small sad tone. Unlike his deep one from before. "You wont hurt me son. No matter how you look you are still ever so wonderful. Even if we have done some bad things everyone has their scars. Even heroes sometimes you know. You just have to deal with it and don't you EVER think you are not good enough. Me and You will stick to each other together like glue forever."

I talked to him while rubbing his head and we both pulled away soon. "We can have a mother and son bond if you would like. I will always care for you through thick amd thin so don't you worry or discriminate yourself." I quickly kissed his forehead and saw him smile.

"Haha thanks "mom." He chuckled once more and we hugged each other again. "Your welcome, Dabi.


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