Kids at Heart

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I walked out the door from Rei's hospital room. I glanced to my right to see Shoto leaning with his back on the beige wall. His eyes were closed and he looked very peaceful. "Hey Shoto your moms done talking, we can go now." I told him catching his attention enough to open his eyes. He sighed and pushed himself up to stand. "What did you two talk about Y/n?" Shoto asked me giving me bright and big eyes. My cheeks turned a blossom pink recalling what happened inside. Dammit, curse you Shoto. Why do you have to make me feel like this? I internally groaned and thought.

"If you really want to know she just hugged and thanked me again for coming back." I shrugged my shoulders and went towards him. "And are you sure that's it?" He raised an eyebrow at me with his mouth in an O way as he finished speaking. "Yup and that's final!" I popped the p and bopped him on the head with a fist.

"Ow that kinda hurt." Shoto said and began to rub his head with his palm. "Psh c'mon that one was weak." I waved my hand down. "If you really want to see me push my limits we can train together sometime!" I turned away pumped my fist in the air. When I looked back I saw that Shoto had started walking away already. "Perhaps sometime." I saw him shove both hands in his pockets.

I ran to catch up to him. "Hey don't act all cold again you know you want to!" I was huffing and puffing be the time I had caught up to him. Geez he's fast. A small 'tch' escaped Sho's lips and he muttered a whatever at me. "Okay now you just sounding like Bakugou." He stopped walking and twitched an eyebrow upwards. "Who did you just compare me to?!" His voice rose up in power a little.

"Haha catch me if ya can Shoto!" I dodged his hand and began to speedwalk. Which then turned into a run as he chased after me. "Y/n come back! Why you little-" "Na na na, na na na, you can't get me" I stuck my tounge out at him and took a trip down the stairs with Shoto following suite. "Kids no running-" we both heard a nurse say but she didn't get to finish since we were gone.

No ones POV:

And they are gone. The nurse thought to herself. "Ugh kids, I hate my job." She said and continued to push along a dirty coat cart to a room. The two kids kept chasing each other down the stairs until they had reached their destination. For a clumsy girl and a cold frozen boy they both never missed a step on the stairs landing each gracefully as if on ice.

But never once did anyone catch them. And they had finally got to the last level to leave the hospital. Not chasing each other and acting like 5 year olds that is. Y/n and Shoto got out and they were both panting with thier hands on thier knees.

Y/ns POV:

I was practically DYING already. Luckily I wasn't sweating from any weird places. Once I caught my breathe again I spoke up. "Haha I won!" I stood up tall and straight with my hands on my hips as I looked at Shoto. He got and stood up straight also. "Sure this round you did." My eyes grew wide and I startes to laugh.

Shoto's POV:

As I said those words Y/n began to laugh. Her laugh is so beautiful and godly. I can't believe I ever lost her as a child. I saw Y/n wipe her laughing tears and look up at me again. "Mhm we'll sew about that." Her amazing e/c eyes stared up at mine as we kept straight eye contact. I never noticed how much of a height difference we have now.

We kept looking at each other but I had to make a decision now. Should I ask her or just take her home? No don't take her home you have to man up! I cleared my throat and we both backed away from one another. "Oh sorry Sho was I making you uncomfortable?" Y/n questioned me. I shook my head. "Then what was it?" Y/n asked again.

I inhaled a deep breath and let it out. It's now or never. "Look, Y/n, I didn't just say let's leave the hospital because it was getting late. I wanted to leave because I wanted to spend more time with you for a while. Maybe even if you said yes show you a very wonderful place that we can just lay and talk. I know believe me it sounds stupid but ju-" Y/n stopped me.

"What do you mean "if I said yes" this is the first time you have asked Sho." I faced down before looking up again. "It's because maybe now you think im a total bastard. You even compared me to Bakugou."

Y/ns POV:

My heart shattered. Just hearing those words my whole world felt like it just, corrupted. Gave up. Why would Shoto feel that way? He's been my best friend since forever. I cannot make him feel this way. "Shoto." I said to grab his attention, which worked for the first time.

"I was comparing you to Bakugou but it was just a simple joke at the moment. Im really sorry that you may have taken it the wrong way. Your a really amazing person Sho, you better not think otherwise." I said to him and brought him in for a comforting warm embrace.

I noticed that he went stiff for only a few milliseconds before returning the hug. Shoto sighed as we both pulled away from each other. "Thank you for those words Y/n, I think I understand more now. Im sorry for the way I acted as well." There was a small smile that showed up on his face. He also looked more relaxed and relived.

I changed the topic since the tension was over. "So back to what you said earlier..." I moved my head forward while stopping. "What?" He questioned me. I swear sometimes he can be such a clueless boy. "Yes you big dummy I would have said yes if you asked way before!" I put both of my hands up in the air. Shoto pulled them both down and held one then started to walk with me. "Then let's go." This is gonna be a great day.

No one's POV:

The students of 1A were still hidden in the cafe on probably their 3rd round of coffee. "Ugh when can we go out again!" Kaminari exclaimed clearly frustrated and bored. "Yeah I need to stretch my legs and get air other than AC." Uraraka said with eyebags. By now everyone had eyebags even more worse and darker than Mr. Aizawa.

"We have to do this for Y/n and Todoroki" Midoriya spoke in between yawns. "Shut the hell up Deku we know that." Bakugou spoke with a very loud yawn ending it. "Hey Bakugou isn't it past your bedtime?" Kirishima asked him rubbing his eyes.  "Isn't time for you to stop bothering me!" The blonde screamed with his palms growing small explosions. "Okay Bro sorry!" The red head held his hands up in degense before slamming his head on the table once again.

"You guys is that what I think it is?" Ojiro said looking outside. Iida was the first one to hear and turn his head along with Ojiro. "Why yes it is Ojiro, great eye sight! Classmates look out the window!" The boy with the glasses stood up with his hands lying on the table. "Huh what is it?" Jiro said and everyone obeyed and turned.

"Oh my it's Y/n and Todoroki." Aoyama said with wide eyes. "And look their both holding hands, kero." Asui spoke up with her finger on her chin. "Aww man I knew I should have brought my camera to film the good parts!" Mina said while stomping a foot and whining. "That's are least of problems right now because they are both coming towards the shop!" Sero said panicking with his hands scrunching his hair.

"Shoot everyone run into a bathroom!" Hagakure exclaimed running into the girls third bathroom stall. "Right!" They all said and ran into the correct gender stalls almost falling face flat while slipping on some bathroom water. Just as Midoriya barley made it in, Y/n and Todoroki entered the cafe.

In the bathroom:

"Okay girls this is the most absolute perfect moment!" Momo said while punching the air in the bathroom. "For what if I may ask?" Jiro spoke up chewing on bubble gum. "Another plan of course!" Mina said and junped on her back. "GAH alright get off!" She swatted Mina off. "Shhh we still need to be quiet." Uraraka stated putting a finger on her lips.

"We know." They all whispered. "Mina contact the boys on the chat and the next plan will commence as they leave and we follow them!" Momo said. "Yeah and we'll all get out of the stalls one by one, since we aren't wearing disguises for nothing, and spy on them. When they leave we will follow soon after!" Hagakure spoke up. "Awesome your idea is brilliant Toru!" Momo stated with a bright smile. " "Great now Mina contact everyone so they know!" Jiro said while popping a huge bubble. "Already on it. And Y/n and Shoto basically did this to themselves haha!" The alien like girl said typing away.

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