Recovery Buddy's

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A/n: This book isn't coming out very successful but I hope it will in the future since it is my very first one. Thank you to every person out there who is reading, voting, and commenting it means a lot you guys

Y/ns POV:

I woke up and there was a very bright light above me. I was laying down on a soft place which seemed to be a bed. Why am I on a bed? I mean it's really soft and I could just stay here- The light got shoved into my face even more. Geez fine I'm up!

I sat up with a jolt in the bed. "Oh deary your finally up let me just fix up these last scratches with some bandages!" It was none other than Recovery Girl who was talking to me. Now fixing my cuts up that were left on my arm. "T-thank you ma'am." She smiled sweetly at me before shoving a big kiss on my forehead.

"There now you're back to normal deary, just try not to push yourself to the fullest of your capabilities next time alright?" "Yes I understand. How many students have you helped today ma'am?"

She held her head as if in pain and made a small weak chuckle escape her lips. "Ho too many to count. But for now you just rest until you feel ready to go." I nodded and fixed my pillow to sit up.

Just then I heard a groan from across the room. Huh who's over there? I saw a glimpse of red hair and immediately knew. Oh no he's going to think im a creep. Or worse a stalker! But we both fell unconscious together so something works out in this story.

My e/c eyes were met with grey and blue ones. We were both just looking at each other, indeed one colder than the other pair.

I looked away faster than a volleyball could hit the floor. I hate that I'm always like this around him, but I can't help it ever since we both encountered each other since a very long time.

I didn't want to be in awkward silence either so I prepped up a small conversation. "So um I guess you won the round against both of us, congratulations." I made a small warm smile towards him in attempt to spark up something in this complicated boy. "Yes, but sadly that means I'm up against Bakugou next and I'm not very excited for him." He looked annoyed and rolled his eyes.

I started to giggle a little bit at that comment. "Ouch!" I gasped slightly and went back to look at Shoto. "What's wrong Shoto are you alright?" "I'm fine, your punches kind of messed with my nervous system." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I could kinda see a playful look on his face though.

"Oh I'm so sorry I was just so caught up in the moment and really wanted to pass one of the best people with a cool quirk and-" he interrupted me. "Y/n if anything I should be the one saying sorry to you." Shoto spoke up. "Huh?" "I used my full power and strength on you. I could've crushed you at any moment with his quirk that just so happened to be mines also."

I've had enough of Shoto doing this to himself. Crushing his soul and mind each day just thinking about his quirk and how it's supposedly a bad one and not his.

"S-stop saying that Shoto you always doubt yourself even though you have an awesome quirk! I would give anything to have one that strong and train everyday!"

Recovery girl had left the room to get some more bandages and maybe students who were also hurt. Poor old lady.

Shoto was shocked at my sudden shouting and actions that were so relentless. "You're right Y/n, but you dont understand." "What of course I understand! I have been your friend for more than a year I should know more than what your huge idiot dad knows about you!" Is that a smile on his face?

"You sure are a feisty one huh Y/n" I felt heat rising on my two cheeks "Now that you've officially met my old man I assume you know he wants me to succeed no matter what." I recalled our conversation earlier. Or rather roast war. "Yeah I could tell right of the bat sorry Shoto." "Stop saying sorry it's not your fault."

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