Hospital Arrival room 278

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Im glad to see that people are enjoying my story you all make me really happy I value you. Next chapter!

Y/ns POV:

As Shoto and I were walking we soon approached a train station. "Hey uh Shoto why are we taking a train can't we just walk?" He turned to look at me pulling me along by my hand to get inside. It's so soft and warm. Well it is his left hand. I stepped out of my daze hearing him speak. "No we cannot take the streets it will take to long. Now let's get in the train to at least get seats. Don't be slow."

"Heyy that's rude." I pouted a little and glared at him. Shoto didn't care and pulled us both, once again, on the train. As we looked around there were no more seats in sight. "Hehe looks like we were to slow." I slowly looked up at Shoto just in time to see him roll his eyes a bit. He continued to look around and apparently found something because we soon walked quickly again.

Shoto and I stopped and there was a small handle that was far enough from some people and he held on first. "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome aboard this train we are now leaving the station." Almost everyone heard the person driving the train say as they all got ready. Notice how I did say almost.

That's because as the man was talking and the doors were closing on the train a whole bunch of weird people entered. One almost fell that had a shirt with yellow letters but a spanish looking dude caught them. That made me mentally laugh, only slighty though. I didnt notice I was staring but some were staring back until I raised my eyebrow at them. They all swiftly looked away. Weirdos.

But now I shouldn't even be mentally laughing at that epic fall because as the trained moved I wasn't holding on like Shoto. I had lost my balance as it moved faster and you could hear slight screeching from outside. Shoot im gonna die! I prepared myself for the floor to meet my rear end but it never happened. Huh?

I felt a strong arm rap itself around my waist and saved me. I peer at Shoto only to see him glancing at me with those wonderful eyes of his. We were staring right into each others pupil and were so close I could feel his hot breath on top of my lip.

Every last part of my face turned a deep crimson red. I could have sworn that I was dipped in lava for a few milliseconds until he suited me to stand back up. "Hold on to this handle just like this." Shoto picked up my small hand with his big one and placed it to hang on the rail. "Y-you know I could've done that by myself Im not a handicap person." I blushed a very light pink.

"Alright I understand the memo your telling me." Shoto said and the train was now in full speed heading to god knows where. Why does it have to be a surprise?! "Passengers on this train it might get a little heafty over on this end for a few seconds due to the track we have built, don't worry and stay with me." The captain said out of no where and I made a confused sour face.

"What does he mean by tha-" My sentence was stopped by the train moving in a rapid and blistery speed. Holy mother of Abraham Lincoln my hands gonna slip! Just as I thought that Shotos hand, or pinky first, wrapped around mines. Naturally my hand reacted and also took hold of his. I was scared to hold it but it isn't the first time.

Then all of Shotos fingers were intertwined with mine on the handle we were both holding. I felt safe with him by my side. The rest of the ride was some small talk about the past, guessing on where we were going by me of course, and perfect calm silence.

No ones POV:

When I say everyone looked at the kids as they entered the train I mean EVERYONE. Kaminaris epic fall didn't help either. People were looking at Sero as he entered thinking he was from out of state. "Some of these people are racist I swear" Sero whispered very low earning a small hum from Kirishima.

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