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A/n: i found this photo and i thought is was sooo cute and perfect for this chapter since all of the Todoroki kids are playing in this. Also votes reads and comments always make me happy!


Touya got up from their warm hug and decided to get the play date started.

"Alright Shoto why don't I call this friend of yours so she can come over" the older Todoroki stated. "Yeah let's get your phone!" Shoto started running up the stairs again to his brothers room. "Wait no Shoto don't touch my things!" Touya ran after Shoto.

Once the spiky red haired male got to his room door he opened it. There he saw Shoto with his phone trying to figure out the password. Wait he actually found his PHONE!?!?!

"Shoto what are you doing?" He jumped on the bed where Shoto was and looked over his little shoulder. "Trying to figure out your password duh" he looked at him and continued.

The older brother chuckled and gave him a clue. "Have you tried my birthday?" Shoto started thinking.

"Hm okay" Shoto typed in the numbers 1, 18 and 03 but it still didn't work. "Touya what is it" the little child whined. "Give it to me" he held his hand out. "Fine."

Touya typed in his password and Shoto was peaking over. "Touya your password is weird." He said. "Just like you." He smirked at him.

"Hey" the bi colored hair male charged at his brother but was blocked by a hand. "Look you wanna call your friend or not, we don't have all day". "Yeah yeah okay."

"Did she give you her phone number?" "Um no what's that?" The male sighed and asked another question. "Is her dad famous?" "Um I think she said he was the number 5 hero, the Electric Boom?" "Oh alright perfect then." Touya dialed his agency personal phone number, since having that old man as a father came in handy.

Kai's POV (Y/ns Dad):

I was getting ready to go to work since Martha said I needed to check some papers. The problem was I didn't have anyone to take care of Y/n. I looked over at my daughter as she was eating her ziploc bag of goldfish.

All of a sudden my phone rang indicating someone was calling me. Probably the people that work in the office. I decided to answer it anyway.

"Hello Kai l/n speaking, how may I help you?" I answered in my regular voice. The voice on the other line was about to speak when Y/n tapped my leg. "Dad can I have water please?" "Hold on a second, y/n the water's are by the fridge, go ahead." "Ok dad!" The little girl skipped away.

"I'm sorry continue please" the other line had static before returning.

"Yes hello this is Touya Todoroki the oldest son of Endeavor, and my brother Shoto is friends with y/n.We were wondering if she could come over for a playdate" he spoke.

I looked over at y/n and just to lock eyes with her she was waiting for my response. Well I have no one to care for her up till now, I guess. He sounds like a good kid anyway, what could possibly go wrong between two 5 year olds?

"Yes you have my permission for her to go over since I am going to work, you will be responsible for her."
"Yes of course sir no harm will be done."  I felt relieved at that and I guess he has my trust for now.
"Alrighty then just tell me the address and I will be on my way." "Its xxxxx xxx Ave."  "Thank you see you soon." And I hung up the phone.

Time skip to arriving at the house...

"Woah this house is huge dad, am I staying here today?" I stopped the car and looked at my daughters excited face. "Yes y/n you will be having a play date with your friend from school" I smiled sweetly. "Yay I get to play with Shoto!" "Alright then lets go" I grabbed y/n's hand as we walked to the front door and I knocked.

Shoto's POV:

I was tired of waiting until I heard a knock at the door. "Touya someones here!" I said enthusiastically and ran to the door. "Woah okay Shoto. I'll open it you never know" my big brother said and got up from the couch. I went over to him mad that I couldn't open the door. I glared at him and he laughed.

I had so many fun things for me and y/n to do and maybe we can even invite Fuyumi and Natsuo! Touya had opened the door because I heard him unlock it.

"Hello you must be Touya the one on the phone" I saw y/n's dad shake my brothers hand. He looked down at me and then greeted me. "And you must be Shoto it's a pleasure to see that my daughter has a good friend. "H-hi sir n-nice to see you too."

He smiled at me. "Well anyway I should be off on my way to work, just real quick so here's y/n and I hope you all have a good time together!"

He handed y/n's hand to my brothers hand and he left. I was kind of mad that my brother held y/ns hand but she's my friend not Touya's. I heard Touya speak up after my thoughts were no longer in my head.

"Sooo who's ready to have some fun on this play date?" He asked us excitedly. "Oh I am!" I saw y/n's h/c move when she started jumping. "Alright cool, and hi y/n I'm Touya, Shoto's biggest brother" he said. "Im y/n Sho's best friend.

Touya turned to me. "Ohh so you go nicknames huh, how cute" i felt heat rush to my ears and cheeks. "No it isn't" I mumbled. "Yeah yeah whatever ya say Romeo."

"But his names not Romeo it's Shoto" y/n went over and grabbed my hand. I held hers as well. "Well then lets go to Shoto's room!" Touya started moving up the stairs to my room and y/n pulled me along.

While we were going up the stairs together y/n giggled. "What is it n/n?" I asked. "Your house is big Sho, and your brother's kinda cute" she said. "Hey no he's not I am you need to think I'm cute!" Y/n blinked twice and nodded. "Ok then."

We finally got to my room and Fuyumi and Natsuo we're cleaning it up. Until they saw us three. "Hello everyone we were just cleaning Shoto's room because we overheard we were going to have a guest over" my oldest sister said. "Yeah and we wanted to stay at the play date too" Natsuo joined in.

"Ok I guess" Touya said. "Imma just go then, sounds cool, okay bye" he was about to leave when Fuyumi pulled him back. "Nope you need to play too." He looked annoyed. "Fine."

"So what are we playing Natsuo" y/n asked my brother. "Oh it's Shotos favorite game called Medieval Knights!"  "Oh ok, how do we play Shoto" she asked me. "So here's how it goes...

Mini time skip

"You got it now y/n?" I asked her as she was dressed up and ready. "Yeah I got it!" "Alright then lets play since everyone's ready!"

Here are the positions:
Fuyumi :princess
Shoto and y/n: knights.

Plot: the knights need to save the princess from the evil dragon and take her back to the prince.

"Save me!!" "Please knights help her!!"
"Rawr". "Don't worry we are her to save her!!"

After many rounds of playing this game and other things it was time for y/n to get picked up and go home.

"Bye Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Touya!! "Bye y/n see you soon!!"

"Bye Shoto I'll see you at school tomorrow yeah?" "Yeah." She smiled sweetly at me and left with her dad.

Today was the best day of my life.


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