Temptations 🍈

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🍈 means lime if you misunderstood. Mature conent is up ahead 18 +. If you still read it, it's your life and choice. YOU WERE WARNED. Enjoy~

And just as I thought...

Nothing happened. No one interrupted.

Fun fact I didn't actually plan that this was going to happen TODAY! But we were already in full swing and I was merely in the moment.

This is happening this is IT!! The ONE MOMENT you have been waiting for Y/n. You know what they say you only live once. So don't ruin this perfect moment with Shoto.

My eye's fluttered closed shut and I could see Shoto's do the same. AHHH! Our lips touched. Let me just say I think I just stepped into heaven even though I should be in hell.

Once Shoto's lips touched mine, I was speechless. This is my actual first ever kiss. With my childhood friend.

The kiss at first was very calm. It went slow. It was very tender and sweet at the same time. Our lips danced together in pure bliss.

All of a sudden Shoto moved my body with his slender fingers and I was now sitting on his lap. His hands stayed on my thighs and tired of having my hands on his chest I roamed around.

I picked my hands up to be in his bi colored hair. I twirled them around creating knots with my fingers into his hair. No matter how hard I twirled it and balled it up, the part down the middle was still clear as day.

Shoto became bolder and swipped his cold tounge across your lip. You let out a gasp and this gave Shoto an opportunity to slip his wet muscle inside your mouth.

The kiss was more heated and filled with passion. Your tounges danced together in sync. Exploring each other's wet caverns you both fought for dominance. Shoto had clearly won this time.

You moaned into the kiss and Shoto smirked still kissing you. With every touch and moan you let out, he grew hungrier.

His hands stayed on your thighs from earlier and they eventually roamed up to lay on your waist.

You two pulled away for not even 10 seconds before going again. Kissing each other in pure moonlight Shoto became more dominant.

He gripped your waist tighter causing you to moan again. "S-Shoto~" You moaned while gripping one hand tangled in his hair and the other on his broad shoulder.

While holding your waist he gently laid you down on the ground with you under him. His hands moved up and under your shirt resting on your bare waist and stomach area.

You two pulled away, a string of saliva connecting both of your tounges together. Damn oxygen. You thought as Shoto moved down closer to whisper in your ear.

"I love you Y/n. I always have." He tenderly whispered while nibbling on your ear lobe. "I-I l-love you t-too S-shoto ahh~" you released with a moan as Shoto's wet muscle went down to bit on you neck.

After giving you purple and black hickies in small places he found your sweet spot. "A-ahhh y-yess Shoto r-right there ahhh~" You kept moaning while your pants began getting soggy in that particular area.

Shoto continued to suck on your sweet spot until it looked like a bruise. His hands went higher underneath your shirt and stopped at the hard cover that was barricating your breasts.

Still, his hands soothed and scavenged around your waist and stomach. Shoto's body came closer to yours and you felt his aroused area touching your cilt creating more friction.

𝐈 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ᝰ 𝐬.𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now