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we hit 1k reads already! i'm so glad you guys are liking it, it's one of my favorites!! thank you! so, here's a chapter for my bitches 🥺


"Rain drop!"

My eyes flutter open.

"Drop top!"

Aaliyah looks at me.

"Aaliyah just got-"




Aaliyah and I groan, throwing our heads back.

"Don't be groaning now!!" Lorenzo laughs.

"That didn't even rhyme" I sit up to unzip the zipper on our tent

Aaliyah turns to her side and close her eyes in hopes to get an extra few minutes of sleep.

"WAKE UPPP!" the boys shake the tent, roaring.

Mother fucker they aggravate me.


"It's cold" Lorenzo wrap his arms around himself as he 'shivers', which he isn't, he's just trying to prove a point.

"Everyone's on this trail, lets go down here" Aaliyah walks ahead of us.

I look at Lorenzo and Parker before looking back to catch up with Aaliyah. "Are you okay?" I hold her hand.

She looks at me with those gorgeous kind blue eyes. "Yeah, I'm just sore from sleeping on the ground"

"A..." I trail off, "are you sure it isn't anything else? Please don't lie to me, I know you"

She smiles, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb. "Bubba, I'm fine! You're such a sweetheart, but like I said, I'm just sore and tired"

"Okay..." I sigh, kissing her head.

"Can we get some food after this?" Parker complains.

"We are" Lorenzo smacks the back of Parker's head.

"Can I get on your shoulders?" Aaliyah looks up at me.

I chuckle and nod. "Of course," I say, kneeling down for her to hop up. "You good?"

"Yeah!" she holds my head as I stand up.

I hold her thighs and the guys making fake awe noises, forcing an eye roll to come out of me.


"I can't believe what a six foot five person sees" Aaliyah plays with my hair.

"But you're an extra five foot on top of me, I don't see what you see" I playfully shake my head.

She shrugs. "I can see Saturn"

"Can I get on your shoulders?" Parker asks.

"Then me?" Lorenzo flutters his eyelids.

I look at them like they're crazy. "Fuck no"

They drop their jaws and I give them the middle finger before looking back in front of me.

And what I see, causes me stop in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" Aaliyah questions in confusion.

I clear my throats. "Hey love, get down please" I kneel down and she confusingly gets off.

She pushes her eyebrows together. "Are you okay?"

My eyes tear up as I look back.

"Mommy please? I wanna go to the park!!" I bounce around, begging.

"For what?! You have no friends there anyways, Wesley Conrad. There's absolutely no reason for you to go!!" she stomps.

I look down, pulling my bottom lip out. "Okay, mommy"

"Go take a nap. Go do something with your life" she points to my room.

"Goodnight, I love you" I walk to my room with my head down.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!" she throws the scissors at my side, resulting in me scream in pain as blood runs down my body.

"Mommy! It hurts!" I scream and cry.

"THEN ACT RIGHT!" she slaps my arm before storming out of my room.

I fall back and put my head in between my knees, crying as the pain gets worse and worse.

"I wanna leave" tears try to escape my eyes, but I wipe them away.

"Dude... are you good?" Parker walks over to me.

"I'm fine" I put my hands up, indicating nobody touch me.


"JUST GO!" I shout and they all look at each other... as well as everyone on this trial.

Including her.

"Wesley?" I hear her voice.

That manipulative voice.

"Wes... who's that?" Aaliyah looks up at me.

"Who's the lady?" Parker and Lorenzo ask in unison.

I clench my jaw and the tears finally escape my eyes.

"My boy" she frowns, leaving the guy she's with to walk to me.


I grab Aaliyah's hand for comfort.

"I'm so sorry" mom breaks down crying and immediately hugs me.

I wanna hug her back.

But I can't.

I'm just drowned in my own tears, but I don't make a noise.

It hurts.

So much.

Seeing her... seeing the woman who I love even after what did she.

"Is this your mom?" Aaliyah tries to get me comfortable.

I nod and look up so my tears fall down my chin.

Mom pulls back. "Wesley" she cries and takes my hands. "I'm so sor-"

"Why'd you leave?" I cry harder.

"To get help for myself-"

"Oh that's such bullshit!" I yank my hands away, crying hysterically, but angry. "If you did, you would've came back! You wouldn't be with that guy!" I point to the guy she was with. "Y-"


"N-n-no" I wipe my face. "I-I-I'm not your s-s-son"

"Please don't be that way" she wipes her incoming tears.

I shake my head. "Y-you know w-w-what you did. It hurts. A-A lot" I stressfully run my fingers through my hair. "Y-you're the r-r-reason I am who I a-am today"

"I'm so sorry! I've changed, Wesley! I could never get ahold of your father so I just packed up and moved here to start my life over! And I'm guessing you moved here too... doesn't it seem like a sign, Wesley?" she looks at me as if she's gonna break.

I hold my guard up. "You should've stayed in New York"

I turn around from the woman I love, walking away with my hands into fists.

All my tears fall down.

"Wesley!" she shouts in distress.

I speed up. Because I know I'll break and run right back to the woman who hurt me. Physically and mentally. I know I'll fall right into her trap.

I'm just protecting myself...

Please tell me I'm doing the right thing...

walking away from the one who gave me life...

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