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since all u meanies hate my names 😤 how about AmBeR for a girl and LeO for a boy? 😤

if nOoOoOo give me names 😔🤟🏻


"HURRY UP!" Parker shouts.

Rolling my eyes, I throw in my shirt and walk out. "Why does it matter? You-"

"Awww he got all dressed up for his girl... but uh, we're all going" Lorenzo clears his throat.

My eyes widen and Aaliyah rubs her arm.

I shake my head and throw my arm out before walking back to my room to change back into casual clothes.

I've never been as angry as I am right now.

It was dinner for just




And Lorenzo was right, I did dress up for Aaliyah because it's a fancy restaurant and I don't know... I wanted to impress her I guess.

Way to make people self conscious, Lorenzo.

I walk out of the room and see Aaliyah talking to Sawyer, making me roll my eyes and she pushes him away to walk to me.

"I'm so so-"

"It's fine. I'm used to it" I fake a smile.

"Used to it? What do-"

"I'm fine" I rub her arm. "Let's just go"

Her bottom lip quivers as I walk past her and out of the beach house.

Everyone follows behind, but I make sure I'm first in the rv so I can drive.

It gives me an excuse not to talk.

Not like it mattered anyways.

They all talked to Sawyer the whole time.

Not even noticing my clenched jaw and fists.

Aaliyah did peek over at some points, other than that, nothing.

We get seated for our reservations.

"So sorry! I thought it was two people" the waitress giggles.

"Yeah, me too" I raise my eyebrows and look through the menu.

We order our drinks and food and in the meantime, they talk.

"Why're you so quiet, bubs?" Aaliyah puts her hand on my back.

I turn to her. "Just tired"

"I know that's a lie... I know you're upset everyone came" she frowns. I sigh and shake my head. "Come on" she pushes me out of the booth, taking my hand and leading me out into the cold air. "I didn't want them to come either-"

"Then why didn't you tell them that?"

"Why didn't YOU tell them that?"

"So you're putting this on me?"

She sighs. "Wes, I'm sorry. I know you want alone time, and so do I! But the guys wanted to come and I feel bad because we're all at this beach house together. Wouldn't it be selfish if we just left them for ourselves?

"If you wanna think that, think it. I came here to make you happy and I tried not to be a fucking bump on a log, but I can't. I'm mad, okay? Not at you, no, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the fact everyone is treating Sawyer like he's an alien who came down to earth and you want to know all about the planet he came from. I'm mad at the fact they all invited themselves to this dinner" I scoff.

"And I'm not? I wanted to spend time with you too! But like I said, it would be rude of us to ditch them for the night-"

"No, it wouldn't have been, A!" I snap, but then lower my tone, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll be more appreciative" I pull her into my chest, keeping her warm.

"Talk to me" she hugs me. "I don't want us to go in there on bad terms"

"We're not, nobody is. I'm fine, I'm just tired and that's why I'm so moody. I like Sawyer. He's cool" I lie for her.

"Okay..." she goes on her tippy toes to kiss me.

"You guys good?" Sawyer walks out, being nosy.

"Yeah" Aaliyah and I say in unison before walking back in.

I am not letting this little fucker stay.

And I'll make sure of that.


"Last day!!" Aaliyah jumps into the water, motioning her hands for me to come. I run in, picking her up and holding her up by her waist. "I AM THE QUEEN OF THE OCEAN!"

"You sound like Moana" Sawyer laughs.

"I'M COMING BOIS!" Parker jumps in.

"LETS RECREATE THE TITANIC" Lorenzo swims to Parker.


I laugh and put Aaliyah down.

"Wanna try that underwater kiss?" she smirks.

"Mm" I take her hand, taking her to the deeper end of the water.

"It's just me and you, nobody's around" she places her hands on my waist.

"You act like we're about to skinny dip" I laugh.


I hold her cheeks and we sink under water, kissing.

But it didn't go planned.

We immediately swim up, coughing and spitting.

"Never again" I try to wipe my salt water lips with my arm, but it makes it worse.

"I hate beach water" Aaliyah spits. "Wasn't as romantic as it was suppose to be"

We both laugh.

"Aaliyah! Can you help me?!" Parker shouts from the other side.

"Ughhh" Aaliyah groans and swims over to him.

I turn to Sawyer to see him eyeing her, causing my blood to boil.

I go over to him, pushing him down.

"What the hell?!"

"Why are you so obsessed with my girlfriend?!" I snap.

He laughs, standing up. "You really think she would like a guy like you?"

"Oh why? Because you think you're better?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Aaliyah is the most beautiful girl in the world. You? You're just a... loser and don't match her standards. And yes, I do think I'm better. As soon as I saw her face, I knew I wanted to be with her. But you? You keep getting in-"


"I wouldn't hurt her" he laughs, getting back up once again.

"I'VE NEVER HURT HER!" I shout in venom.

"Yeah, that's totally why you can't pleasure her. She wants to have sex with you but you hurt her and instead of trying, you give up" he laughs some more.

My eyes widen. "How do you know that?"

He winks and gets out of the water.

I clench my jaw.

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