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* if you got the notification where i published the chapter "Jealousy",  i accidentally published it last night when i put my phone down, but that chapter is 2 chapters away and i was just starting it! sorry for the confusion! we're back on track now!! 😂


"She's not gonna be back in our life, dad" I say sternly.

"You're not hearing what I'm saying!"

"You're not heating what I'm saying! She was literally just with another gu-"

"It was her tour guide!"

"I don't care! She's gonna hurt you and me both if you let that bitch back in!" I shout.

His eyes widen. "Wesley. You don't talk about your fucking mother like that"

"Oh like you never fucking have! She texts you one text and now you're back in love with her! It's not how it works! Dad, look!" I pull up my shirt, showing him the scar on my side. "If you go back to that piece of shit, then you're just as crazy as she is" I let my shirt down.

"You wanted her back in our lives!"

"Before I met Aaliyah!"

"Oh that girl's turn your brain toxic! She knows absolutely nothing about the situation and you just met her! And aren't you now all in love with her?" he crosses his arms.

"KEEP HER NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! All shes done to me was OPEN MY FUCKING EYES! To toxic people! Like Terri-"


"No! No! She would have never texted you if she didn't see me! She told Aaliyah that she couldn't promise she wouldn't hurt us again!"

"Shes fucked with your head, Wesley! You used to be such a wholesome kid! Now you're just... rude!"

"I'm not! I'm just holding my fucking guard up and not letting that skank hurt me ever again. Try it? She's gonna year you APART"

"She's a new person, Wesley."

"If you let her into this house, I'm leaving" I adjust my weight to my right foot.

"Please don't..." mom walks in.


"Wesley, we need to talk it out-"

"SHE LEFT US! SHE FUCKING LEFT US!" I shout in venom.

"Wesley" they frown.

I shake my head and stressfully run my fingers through my hair. "You have to chose. Chose the woman who hurt your child and left you, or me"

"Please don't do that-"

"Well?" I raise an eyebrow.

They get quiet and I angrily laugh.


"Now I see how you really feel apart me. And where we stand" I shake my head and leave the house, slamming the door.

My phone goes off for the eighth time in an hour, and without checking it, I throw in on the pavement in pure anger.

Tears dwell up in my eyes.

There's nowhere to go.

I'm not going to A's. I refuse to let her stress because of me. And I refuse to risk being rude to her like I was when she talked to mom- Terri, that time.

I'd never lay a finger on A, no, but I can't control my verbal anger when it comes to mother.

I've never been a violent person who slams a glass against the wall, hit someone, or any of that. Just... verbal. And honestly, I've never seen myself more angry than that.

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