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Their friendship collided unexpectedly. On a hot summer day at the Hawkins local pool, 7 year old Eleanor Hopper was completely terrified of jumping into the pool. It was her first time out of the kiddie pool and she felt as if she was brave enough to swim in the "big kid pool".

Cool sunscreen was spread across her tanned cheeks and her sparkly blink bathing suit glimmering in the scorching sun. Eleanor glanced around her surroundings, moms tanning near the edge of the pool, kids lined up at the concession stand, teenagers running and jumping into the pool , and there she was, standing off to the side of the pool. She bit the side of her bottom lip nervously and picked at her nails. There was no way she could do it.

Then, she felt someone tap her shoulder. Eleanor swiveled around and there behind her stood a skinny little boy, about the same age as her with an unruly mop of thick dark curls. In his hands he held two arm floaties, he offered them to her nervously before speaking up.

"uh, you looked kind of nervous and i thought maybe you wanted to put these on so you can float! That way, you don't sink to the bottom and drown!" Eleanor's eyes widened, "no no, you won't drown if you have these on! But I might!"

The small girl frowned. "But I don't want you to drown."

"I won't, I know how to swim... I think."

"You think?" She questioned, "I've never swam without these, just think of them as... your protection!" Eleanor giggles and took them from his hands, "Want to jump in together then?"

Mike nodded quickly and waited for her to put the arm floaties on. She quickly slipped them over her arm and gestured for him to stand next to her. Mike stepped up and El took his pale hand in hers, lacing their fingers together, "So you don't drown," she confirmed, Mike nodded but felt butterflies erupting in his stomach when their hands touched.

"On three." The girl nodded and waited for Mike to count down, feeling a lot more confident with him standing next to her on the hot pavement. "One..,"

"Three!!" They said in unison, both jumping into the cool water. Eleanor never let go of his hand the whole time, when she popped up from underneath the waters surface she opened her eyes and saw Mike in front of her, his black hair covering his whole face making El giggle.

She reached her other hand over and wiped his hair out of his face. Mike reached his hand up to rub his eyes and then stared at the girl in front of him.

"I'm Mike." He blurted out, "Eleanor, but you can call me El." Mike smiled a toothy grin. "Thank you for helping me get over my fear." El admitted, Mike shurgged his shoulders.

"No problem. Friends?"

"Best friends."

From that moment on, Mike realized he would do anything for El Hopper.

authors note:

hehe i love this already

mike the whole story: 🥰😍

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now