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Today El would be submitting her project and sending it off to Lorenzo de Medici in Italy. It would take around a week and a half for them to make their final decision and get back to her on whether she got in or not. The girl was freaking out, her anxiety levels were way out of control and she couldn't stop thinking about it all day.

What if her art got destroyed on the way to Florence? What if it got lost in the mail and then it was late for the submission due date. What if Mike didn't check her essay as much as he said he did and there was multiple errors? Right now, El couldn't take any bad news. She was stressed enough as it is and she didn't need any more pressure to be placed on her shoulders.

It was a Saturday morning and Mike drove her to the school so they could get her canvas and then wrap it, and bring it to the postal service. On the way there, her fingers were tapping on her thigh nervously as her foot tapped nonstop on the floor. Mike noticed this right away and tried to distract her by asking her questions or simply talking to her, but nothing seemed to work.

After a while her fingers were still tapping along her leg and Mike hated when she was upset because not all of the time she would tell him what was wrong, so he got anxious it was something bad. Mike reached over and grabbed her hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

"Don't be nervous, everything is going to be fine, okay?" He said softly, trying to convince her but today that wasn't working. "But what if it gets destroyed, or lost, or-"

"It won't. Nothing bad will happen to it."

"You don't know that! It's going to get lost, then it won't make it in time for the due date and they won't accept me! Then, I'll spend the rest of my life working as a receptionist because I don't have anything better to do because I will have given up on my art career." El huffed. She was always so stubborn.

"El, don't say that. If it gets lost, I will go down to the mail place myself and search everywhere until I find it, then deliver it personally to Italy so I know for sure that they got it." Mike said in a joking manner, though he would definitely do that.

El nodded, trying to reassure herself everything would be okay. "Okay, okay. You are probably right."

Mike didn't say anything as they finally arrived to the school, seeing a few cars in the parking lot. Probably the janitors or principle. The car came to a halt in front of the main doors and the two got out of the car and walked to the doors. Mike pressed on the buzzer, hoping someone would be in the office to let them in.

After waiting there for a few moments someone opened the door in front of them, scaring the hell out of both of them. "What do you kids need?" Asked a gruff voice, belonging to an older woman with a blue hat. "I just need to pick up something in the art room. Principle Jones said I could come in and get it today."

"What is it?" The woman questioned. "It's an oil painting I did as a submission for an art school in Italy." El explained, picking at her nails nervously. The woman hummed in response and opened the door wider for the duo to walk inside. Mike and El walked through the school hallways until they reached the huge art room, they walked through the first room and El opened a door to enter the second room, where her painting was being held.

It was still sitting on the easel in the corner as it waited for El to come and retrieve it. She tapped on it lightly to make sure that it was dried all the way and when she found it was completely dry she took it off the easel and held it out in front of her, inspecting it further.

Mike was leaned on a table watching her inspect the painting, she looked completely satisfied with the way it turned out, as she should be. She turned the canvas towards him and showed it off confidently, "Soo, how does it look?" El asked, smiling brightly.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now