say something

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The sound of ocean waves surround her and fill her ears with the wondrous sound of waves crashing against the shore. Her vision becomes less blurry, and everything is now crystal clear. The skies above her are a dark grey, looking as if soon it's going to storm. The waves are huge, crashing against the shore with rage as the strong wind whip against her skin.

El turned and looked around her, seeing that the beach was empty. She was the only one there.

She walked forward and looked for any signs of human life, but there seemed to be none. That didn't stop her from looking for anyone that could be out there.

As she continued walking she finally saw someone standing up ahead of her. She knew immediately that it was Mike because of the dark mop of hair on the top of his head and the lanky body beneath it.

She felt relief coursing through her veins when his face became more clear and she ran up towards him and stopped when she was standing in front of him.

"Where is everyone?" She asked curiously, her hand motioning to the empty beach around her. He shrugged, "Not sure."

"We should probably get off the beach, it looks like it's going to storm." She said, grabbing onto his hand as she started walking towards the grass.

He pulled her back. "No, stay here."

"Mike, look at the sky. It's going to storm." She huffed in frustration.

"Not for a while."

"Whatever." She mumbled. "C'mon let's walk." He said, squeezing her hand as he walked forward. She walked by his side as the waves crashed onto the shore, this was an awfully weird setting.

"I wonder why no one is here.." She said, trying to make conversation so they weren't walking in silence. He didn't respond as they continued walking.

Suddenly he stopped and turned to face her. "El?"


"I'm going to tell you something, but just.. please don't freak out." He said almost.. nervously? Why would he be nervous, especially around her?


"I love you. Like.. not as a friend. I always have, and I always will. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted you to know."

Well she hadn't expected him to say that. But she wasn't going to complain because he felt the same as her! But when she tried to speak, to tell him that she felt the same, no words were able to come out of her mouth.

Just moments ago she was talking fine, what was going on?

After a few seconds of trying to speak, Mike simply frowned and shook his head. "You could at least say something, you know."

'I'm trying to!' She thought, trying to force more words out. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything." He mumbled, letting go of her hand as he stepped away.

She wanted to grab his hand again and tell him that she felt the same, but now she couldn't talk.. or move!

He started walking off but now her feet were stuck to the ground and she couldn't run after him. She tried to free herself from not being able to move, but whatever she did, didn't work.

And just like that, it was black.

El woke up quickly from her dream and sat up abruptly. She let out a breath and looked around the dark room. Sofia was buried under a mountain of blankets and still sleeping soundly. El sighed and got out of bed. She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep after this one.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now