that guy

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Song: I'm in Love Without You by FINNEAS


"Yeah, kid. I'm coming this weekend!"

"No way!" El exclaimed. "Yes way, hope you aren't too busy. I wanted to surprise you." Hopper said making El grin. "No I'm not busy, but we're gonna have so much fun. I can't wait!"

"I wasn't sure, should I book a hotel or is there enough room to crash at your apartment?" Hopper asked. "I mean we only have a pull out couch, but if you don't want to sleep on that-"

"No that's fine, only if your roommate is comfortable with it."

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be fine. If she doesn't want to stay she can just go to her boyfriends, but i'm sure she'll love to meet you." El explained. "Alright great, but could you just not tell Wheeler? I don't want him on my back about it."

El hesitated. "He's not going to be happy when he finds out though,"

"I know," Hopper sighed. "But I've been trying to keep an eye out for him, but he just isn't looking great right now. And I talked to Karen about it, and she said she doesn't think it would be a good idea for him to know. Not yet at least."

"Yeah but if he finds out later he's going to be pissed at me!" El exclaimed. "No, he'll be pissed at me. Kid couldn't get mad at you if you went on a murder spree." Hopper said with a chuckle.

"Still. It's just going to upset him more that he doesn't know. So how about I tell him you're coming to see me just after you leave. That way he doesn't try and bother you."

"Okay.. sure. I'm surprised you don't want him to come." Hopper chuckled. "No! Of course I want him to come.. I just want him to adjust to everything.. you know, being by himself. He's never really been without me before." El mumbled.

"Yeah, I get it. But I'll let you go since you probably have to get to school."

"Okay.. bye Dad,"

"Bye, El. Love you."

"Love you too, and see you soon!" El heard Hopper hang up and sighed. She really didn't want to keep this from Mike, but she knew she had to. By telling him that Hopper was coming to visit he would try and convince Hopper to let him go with him. Hopper could only afford one ticket, and he knew Mike was saving for his next trip, so telling him to would just make him upset that he couldn't tag along.

But keeping it from him was a different story. He would either get mad, or he would be upset.. and El didn't want either of those. She just wanted Mike to take care of himself, although she was eager to see how the party went so she decided to call him.

She knew it would be early though, maybe 6 or 7 there. But Karen must've been up, she always cooked breakfast for the Wheeler family on Thursdays, so with that in mind she dialed the house number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello, this is the Wheeler's." Karen's bubbly voice said over the phone. "Karen, hi! It's El!"

"Oh El, hi sweetie! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, just calling to check in on Mike after that party last night." El replied. "Oh sure. He got home pretty late, but I didn't see him. He came in through the basement and stayed down there the rest of the night, I just figured I'd leave him alone. I think he's still sleeping, so can I just keep you on hold while I wake him up?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay, give me a few minutes." Karen put the phone down and opened the basement door and walked down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she saw Mike passed out on the couch faced away from her. She walked quietly over to him and noticed a sheet of paper on the coffee table, the whole page covered in his scribbled writing.

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