i'll always need you

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Mike and El are hanging out as they usually do. Sitting on El's bed, legs spread out across the duvet, laughing and talking about whatever comes to mind. What could possibly be better than this?

Then, out of nowhere, El sit's up and glares at Mike. Like he said or did the most awful thing in the world. Mike's eyebrows furrowed together, "El? Are you okay?"

She was now standing at the end of the bed, still glaring at him. "You are useless. You know that? Seriously, why do you think I need you? I don't, and I never have."

"What are you talking about?"

"Face it, Mike! I don't need you anymore!"

He can't think, just his mind circling over 5 words over and over again.

I don't need you anymore.

I don't need you anymore.

I don't need you anymore.

"W-what?" He's finally pulled out of his thoughts, staring at El with glassy eyes. "We've had our fun, Mike. But think about it. I'm across the country now, and I have new friends. Does it really seem like I care about you anymore?"

He didn't respond, only looking at her with a shocked expression.

"Don't give me that look. You saw it coming. How couldn't you? You knew I was going to go to Italy eventually, leaving you all by yourself. To be honest, you shouldn't even come this weekend. It's not like I'm going to pay attention to you anyway." She said nonchalantly, flicking her fingernails.

"I shouldn't come?" He echoes quietly. "No, you shouldn't. I don't want you getting in the way, and I don't need you. I already told you that you're going to have to get used to the way things are now. I won't be here to hold your hand through it, Mike. It's annoying and you need to be more independent." She snaps.

You need to be more independent.

"It's really annoying when I have to comfort you every single time. Can't you just deal with it yourself? God, it's so pathetic. You're pathetic."

You're pathetic.

"I can't believe I've stuck with you all these years. It's just the same thing over and over again. You overreacting, you making a big deal and me fixing you up. It's so tiring. Always about you, you, you!"

I can't believe I've stuck you all these years.

"S-stop it, El." He begs, he can't even look at her. This is not his best friend. This is not the girl he loves.

"I can't put the truth back in the box. You need to hear this. Maybe you'll get through your thick skull that I don't need you. Maybe you'll realize I never liked you at all," El laughs darkly, "If I would have known you would end up like this, I wouldn't have trusted you."

"stop it." He repeats, the words swirling around in his mind, repeating themselves over and over again.

I don't need you.

You're pathetic.

I can't believe I've stuck with you.

I don't need you.

You need to be more independent.

You are useless.

Mike put's his face in his hands. He wants it to stop.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now