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Song: Flowers in Your Hair by The Lumineers


After many years, the couple decided to move to Italy permanently. Although it was away from their family and friends, it was where they had fallen in love together and that feeling was something that they could only experience in the heartland of their relationship.

Sometimes it's tough being away from family, but the couple couldn't be happier with how their lives turned out. El sells her paintings at multiple stores and most of her artwork is displayed in many local stores and restaurants. Mike got a job writing for the newspaper and sometimes he'll write randomly for fun, but he doesn't particularly care what he's doing as long as he's with El.

That's always been his dream. To live happily with the girl he loves more than anything in the world, and that's what he got.

They haven't been out of contact with Sofia either, in fact the bubbly blond frequently comes and visits with them. Most days she'll come over and paint with El while the two girls talk about whatever comes to mind. When Mike gets home from work, Sofia will stick around for a little longer before bidding the two a farewell.

Ironically, the fantasy that Sofia had made up for them all those years ago in the airport had somehow made its way to come true. They purchased a small ranch somewhere in the middle of Northern Italy, it had a big garden with dozens of types of flowers that attract butterflies, hummingbirds and so much more. Just as the blond had said, the garden was where El did most of her paintings.

It was the life El had always dreamed of living, but she never thought it would actually come true. Most days spent at home with Mike felt almost surreal and El didn't think she could love that boy even more, but even after all these years spent together, every day he seems to prove her wrong.

Days often start how they always did. Mike always woke up before El, it was always different times but today he woke up and it was still dark out. Although the raven head debated on going back to sleep, he glanced at the clock and noticed it would only be a few more minutes until the sun rose.

Now, Mike is definitely not going to miss the sunrise, not just because of how the new sun makes the world look peaceful, but how beautiful El looked in the golden light. It will never fail to remind him of the night that he finally confessed to her, when the dim street lights reflected off her skin and made her glow right in front of him. Any chance he'll get to relive that, he will take.

Every day he woke up and looked at her and wondered if she gained new beauty overnight. He simply couldn't understand how stunning a person could be. It's been said before, but he really could just stare at her for hours. Almost how El admires paintings in the local gallery, she looks at them with passion as her eyes drink in every ounce of detail. She'll point out things that she didn't see before and make you look just a little bit deeper than before. After that you'll see the true landscape of it and see just how magnificent it actually is.

As the sun finally rises and the sky explodes with color, Mike watches as the orange and yellow hues bounce off her skin. He felt his lips tug up into a loving smile as his hold on her petite hand become just a little bit tighter. Was this real? Was he dreaming? He very well could be at this point, but no dream could be this vivid.

Usually, El will wake up hours later, but today her senses seem to kick in a little earlier than usual. Slowly, her eyes flutter open and adjust to the unknown brightness in the room. It takes a few moments before she realizes that Mike is awake too, but when she does see his dark chocolate eyes staring right back at her, El scoots closer to him so that their chests are pressing together.

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