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El woke up early again. She was too excited about the day to come, to think about her project and go to her dream school. Sofia was not too happy about the project, it was mainly because she didn't know what it meant.

But El had done multiple studies on the fundamentals of art and understood every topic on it like the back of her hand, so this would be no problem at all for her. Sofia was just glad El was going to be her roommate so she could help her with anything she needed.

Her mind was racing in the early hours of the day. Thinking about different things with every minute, first it was school, then Italy, then her project, then Sofia, and now she was on Mike. Her brain decided to think about him for a little longer. She really hoped he would go to that party tonight, he needed a good distraction.

She just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. She knows Mike, and she also knows that he does stupid shit when he's upset. Luckily, he hasn't done anything so far while she's in Italy, but this is only the beginning and from the way he was after one week without her, she didn't know how he could handle a month.

With this in mind, she suddenly grew very anxious. The overwhelming worry for him took over her body and now that's all she could think about. She needed to know if he was okay.

El knows that she's 6 hours ahead of him, but if it's 6:45 in Italy, it's got to be somewhere around 12 in Hawkins. Mike was definitely not asleep right now, so she walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the phone and dialed his number. She could only hope it wouldn't be Karen who answered the phone.

She bit her lip anxiously while the annoying, and quite frankly stressful, ringing of the phone continued. Maybe we was sl-

"Hello?" It was Mike. Thank God.

His voice was sleepy, which El cringed at herself for waking him up. "Hey Mike." She sighed. "Oh, El. Why are you calling, it's like.. 12:40," He asked tiredly. "I'm sorry I woke you up, I got up early again and I was just.. worried."

"Worried? About what?" Mike asked, he was wide awake now. "About you," El whispered quietly. "Me? Why are you worried about me?"

"I don't know.." She mumbled, playing with the chord of the phone. "Come on, tell me."

"I guess I just don't want you to do something stupid at this party tonight. I don't want you to get hurt." El replied softly. "I won't go if you don't want me to."

"No, I want you to go! I want you to have fun, but just don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"I'll try not to," Mike chuckled, wanting nothing more than to hug her. "I guess that's all.. I'll let you go back to sleep."

"Are you sure? I can stay up if you want me to.." Mike suggested. "No, that's okay. Just wanted to check on you.. but get your rest, party boy."

Mike chuckled. "Talk to you later, my love."

"Oh my gosh go away!" She laughed. "Talk later," Mike said with a yawn. "Bye Mike, love you."

Mike sighed. "I love you too, bye."

After she hung up El immediately felt better. She placed the phone back on the wall and walked over to the pantry to grab something to eat.

"Was that Mike?" Sofia asked as she walked into the kitchen. "Yeah,"

"Why'd you call him?"

"Nerves, I guess." El responded as she opened a granola bar and took a bite out of it. "Hm. What for?"

"He's going to a party tonight. I guess I'm just nervous."

Sofia smirked, "Non geloso?"

El rolled her eyes, "No. Why would I be jealous?"

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now