thought you'd kiss

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El woke up early, she could barely sleep the night before. She was excited and really nervous for her classes this morning, and she could not stop thinking about Mike. Which she was always thinking about him, but last night her thoughts were multiplied and she couldn't get him out of her head.

It was mostly worry, whether he would get home alright, but the rest was thoughts of what had happened that day. The things he said to her, and how she didn't mind one bit that Sofia and Anthony wandered off and left her and Mike alone. She liked it better that way.

But she needed to get up now, and get Sofia up who was snoring loudly from the other bed in the room. El got herself out of bed and walked over to Sofia's bed. She snatched the pillow from underneath Sofia's head and pulled all of her blankets off.

"Come on, get up!" El said, shaking her awake now. Sofia mumbled something incoherently and opened her eyes to glare at El. "Was that necessary?"

"Yes. Now get up, get dressed. Classes are today!" El exclaimed as she grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. "Yeah in two hours!" Sofia called after her, immediately pushed her face back into her mattress.

El came out of the bathroom and saw Sofia still in bed. "If I have to drag you out, I will."

"You're so annoying!" Sofia whined, curling herself in a ball to provide the warmth that the blankets had been giving her before EL rudely took them off. "Not annoying, just want to make sure we get there on time! We might get lost!"

"We won't get lost." Sofia mumbled, finally lugging herself out of bed and grabbing some clothes to get dressed. "We could!"

Sofia rolled her eyes, "You're just being paranoid. Is Mike home yet?" Sofia asked, changing the subject. "He should be home by now. He's probably super tired though, I'll call him when we get home later."

"So how did everything go yesterday.. you two looked close." Sofia asked, raising her eyebrows up in suspicion. El shook her head, "We're always close."

"Yeah, but like.. when we found you guys at that big head. Looked like something was gonna happen.."

El shrugged and began cooking something for breakfast. "I don't know. It was probably nothing."

Sofia shook her head, "I thought you were going to kiss." She was hopeful that they would, but she knew El. And she knew her and Mike's friendship. It wasn't going to happen.

El turned around to face Sofia and raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"I said what I said." Sofia replied, shrugging nonchalantly. "Well we weren't going to. I wouldn't do that."

"And why not? If I were you, I'd kiss him." Sofia said, pressing her further. "Because he's my best friend. I wouldn't kiss him."

Sofia rolled her eyes, "You are so stupid."

"How does that make me stupid?"

"Because you guys would look so cute as a couple!" Sofia exclaimed, slightly whining. El shook her head, "Stop that."

"I will not."

"Sofia," El warned, glaring at her which made the blond finally stop talking. She put her hands up in surrender, "Whatever, I have my opinions, you have yours."

El muttered something and finished toasting her Eggos and put some syrup and butter on them before popping them in her mouth. Sofia watched some TV in the other room while El ate in the kitchen.

Before they knew it, it was time to leave and they both grabbed their bags filled with notebooks, pencils.. all the essentials for their day. They walked out to Sofia's car and the blond pulled out a map and gave it to El so she could direct her on where to go.

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