Chapter Seven

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I awake to the smell of toast. More specifically, burning toast. I rush downstairs and see Jim fanning at his toaster with a paper plate.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim, laughing my ass off already. He looks at me apologetically.

"I am so sorry. I wanted to make you breakfast and I forgot that I have no idea how to cook," he purses his lips and shrugs.

"You know, I'm a pretty good cook," I say confidently. I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He clasps his hands together looks at the ceiling, silently thanking God.

I let Jim watch as I make a decent breakfast. "How do you like your eggs?" I ask him.

"Uhh...." he trails off.

"Okay, runny, hard, or scrambled?"

"Ooo, runny. Definitely runny," he says, tapping his temple with his finger. I laugh at him. My new boyfriend is so dreamy.

I make the eggs, fry up some bacon and manage to make toast after I scrape out the burnt bits from the toaster. I set Jim's plate in front of him and he smiles, looking very hungry.

It's about 10 am. Jim and I said our goodnights at around 2 am. He went downstairs to sleep on the couch, letting me take his bed. I changed into one of his button downs, leaving on only my panties. I laid in his bed for about 45 minutes before realizing that I was never going to fall asleep. I got up, went downstairs, and found Jim sitting up on his couch and playing on his phone. His hair was wet and slicked back. He must have just showered. His chest was bare and he wore nothing but grey sweatpants.

He looked up at me, startled. By the look on his face, seeing me in his button down and panties turned him on almost as much as his attire turned me on. If I hadn't just had a very emotional night with Jim, I would have jumped his bones then and there.

I wordlessly walked over, grabbed his hand, and led him upstairs with me. He crawled into bed and opened his arms. I slid into them, snuggling down into his chest and finally drifting to sleep.

It would have been great to have sex with Jim last night, but it wasn't the time. We could have some fun this morning, but I think both of us want to make it special.

"These are so good. Thank God I decided to ask you out," he jokes.

"Hmm, is that the only reason?" I ask, leaning against the counter. He looks down at my legs. I am still covered only by his button down and my black lace panties.

"There are so many reasons," he says huskily. I give him a peck on his cheek and take his dish from him. I wash it and put it away, even though he tells me I don't have to do that.

Jim and I enjoy a lazy Sunday together. We sit on his couch and watch comedy movies, of course that's his favorite genre, and we snuggle up so close that I can feel his heartbeat.

Jim's phone goes off after the second movie. "That's my roommate, he's gonna be home soon," says Jim. I get up swiftly, going upstairs to retrieve my things. Got to keep the secret a secret.

Jim follows me up. I put on my dark skinny jeans and unbutton my shirt, revealing my black lacy bra. Jim turns around, not wanting to invade my privacy. Always the gentleman.

I walk over to Jim, still in only my bra and jeans. He doesn't have a shirt on, so I trail my finger all the way down his spine to his lower back. He turns around, smiling. He then looks down lustfully at my chest. I bite my lip.

"Kiss me," I whisper to him. He nods frantically and pulls me in for a hungry kiss.

This kiss is unlike the ones we have shared before. It's more urgent, more longing. If possible, it is the best kiss yet. Jim kisses me agressively, lightly trailing my throat with his fingers. I groan on his lips, wanting more. His fast pace turns me on so much that I can hardly control myself. His tongue invades my mouth and I let out another moan, gripping the back of his neck. I pull him closer to get more of him and his tongue swirls with mine. I'm panting hard when he breaks off the kiss. His phone is going off again. He texts his roommate back quickly.

"We have 10 minutes," he says before returning to my lips. This time he turns us around, pressing my back against his closed door. I gasp loudly. His lips are on my neck, my collarbones, my cleavage, my ear. He bites my earlobe and I shiver. His hands grip my hips hungrily, pressing them up against his. I can feel his excitement on my thigh and I gasp again.

"Jim," I moan quietly. His lips are grazing underneath the top of my bra when he gets another text.

He sighs, looking at his phone.

"Fuck." He's breathing so hard. So am I. I touch my lips with my fingers, my eyes wide with excitement. "Five minutes. Better go."

I get dressed shakily as Jim waits for me downstairs. I look around his room, smiling to myself.

Jim pulls on a t-shirt and walks me to my car. I get in, hurrying. He stops me right before I take off.

"Hey, can I take you out tonight?" He's grinning ear to ear. I smile back, looking at his pretty teeth.

"Yes please," I whisper, leaning out the window to give him a lingering kiss. I drive away, watching his ass from my rearview mirror as he walks back inside. Yum.


I'm wearing the best dress that I own. It's black velvet, fitted at every curve of my body. It's not too tight, though. I don't like having other people stare at my body. I even have on my jean jacket to cover my cleavage. My cleavage is only for Jim.

Jim had subtly texted me " 4 pm. Formal. See you then." as soon as I got home. I am very curious as to where we are going on our first date. I am even more curious as to why it starts at 4:00.

Jim shows up in a navy suit and tie with shiny black shoes. I look at him lustfully as he walks inside my apartment. He's never been here before, but I promise to give him a tour later tonight when we get back from wherever we're going. His face brightens at my suggestion that he could be spending another night with me. We walk out, get into Jim's car, and take off for our destination.

"So Halpert, why on Earth am I dressed like this?" I ask. He stares at the road, containing his beautiful smile.

"Well, I thought maybe you'd like to go into the city. I haven't been in a very long time, and no one from work will see us there," he says. I smile at him.

"That sounds perfect."

We spend the 2 and half hour drive to New York listening to Jim's limited CD collection and singing along to the few songs that we both know. When we finally arrive, it's almost 7:00. Jim has picked out a beautiful restaurant called River Cafe. We sit down at the table and he looks at me longingly. I bite my lip. I look out the window and see the New York skyline across the water. This restaurant has a very romantic ambiance with candles and twinkling lights. I smile at Jim and catch him staring at me, biting his thumb.

"You like?" he asks.

"So much," I say back. I haven't ever been taken on a date like this.

We sit and talk for a long time after we finish eating. Jim orders me a glass of red wine, my favorite, and he sits chatting with me while I sip. When I've finished, he pays the check, leaves a ten on the table, and we walk slightly hurriedly to the car. Once inside, Jim's lips find mine immediately. It's a passionate kiss, full of lust but gentleness. Every time he kisses me, I swear, it's the best kiss I've ever had.

Jim drives quicker than usual. I can tell he's excited to get home, though not nearly as excited as I am. Once we get to highway, his hand reaches to my thigh. I bite my lip. I have a little surprise for him.

"I'm not wearing any underwear," I whisper, leaning to brush my lips against his ear. He speeds up a bit.

When we walk through my door, Jim shuts it quickly behind him and pins me up against it, grabbing my hips to press into his and crashing his lips onto mine.

I get the feeling that this is going to be a very sleepless night.


Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, leave a vote and a comment with any suggestions you have for this story! I am flooded with ideas and would like to hear some input! I reply to all!



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