Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up slightly disoriented. I stroke a white bedspread and stretch, looking out of unfamiliar windows at barren winter trees and bright sunlight.

"Hey beautiful," I hear from beside me. I blink a few times to clear my head and see Jim Halpert gazing at me from across the pillow. This is my boyfriend. This is our new home.

"Wow," I say with a sigh.

"What?" he asks, reaching over to stroke my hair.

"It's just...I don't think I've ever woken up feeling this happy," I say. It's true. The feeling I have in my chest right now is greater than I have ever felt. Jim and I are laying in our new bed in our new house that is entirely ours.

Jim smiles at me and props himself up on his elbow. He takes my chin with his large hands and tilts it up. His soft, warm lips are on mine, moving softly. I return his kiss without hesitation, feeling so much love in my heart I can hardly contain it. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me over to him. I lean over his body, hiking one of my legs over both of his own.  His tongue makes wet circles in my mouth, making me sigh with pure happiness. I tangle my fingers in his tussled brown hair, pulling him closer. I don't think I could ever get close enough. Every touch leaves me wanting more.

With the Saturday morning sun pouring in through the curtains, we continue to kiss. Eventually, I get on top of Jim, needing him closer to me. There is so much emotion and electricity flowing between us that it almost brings me to tears. He strokes my bare hips, gently pressing me against him.

I break the kiss for only a second to tell him that I love him. He smiles at me through lustful eyes. It's not a hungry or longing lust. It's a look entangled with sincere love.

The next events will forever be ingrained in my memory. Jim lays me gently on my back and stares deeply into my eyes. His movements are slow. He kisses me with feather softness as he reaches down and gently removes my panties from my hips. I smile on his kiss. I take similar softness when I remove his boxers, feeling his erection press against me. We are both completely naked now, drunk in each other's kisses. He pulls the heavy duvet up around us, enveloping me in warmth. He positions himself between my legs and caresses my entire body slowly with his hands. He trails his warm fingertips across my nipple, releasing a low sigh from my throat.

He makes sweet, sweet love to me then. It's so sweet and so delicious. His hips move in soft motions as he thrusts in and out of me. I feel a connection to him then that is new to me: a feeling of commitment. I am entirely his and he is mine. I want to give him every piece of me, my body, my mind, and my soul.

He keeps kissing me softly as his movements continue. I moan and moan, enjoying the delicious feeling of him inside of me. We have made love many times, but this is different somehow. He holds me so close that I can feel his heartbeat on my bare breasts. He groans low in my ear, causing me to shiver.

My breathing quickens as I feel myself about to come. It feels so good, I can't hold it in. He must sense that I'm about to go over the edge, because he quickens considerably, thrusting into me so very deep.

"Jim," I moan, looking up into his eyes. I bite my lip and my brow furrows. He has a similar expression. He bites his lip hard and he releases a breath, moaning my name softly. I feel his warm liquid inside of me, but he doesn't stop. He pants as he leans over me, kissing my neck.

I can't help but dig my nails into his back as the warm sensations of orgasm flood my body. I bite his shoulder and moan into him. My legs shake hard, my back arches, and he keeps thrusting into me, letting me ride the last waves of pleasure. He pauses above me, staring into my eyes. I can see everything I need to know in that look: he loves me very much. He stays there staring at me for a long time, sweat dripping down his forehead. I match his gaze and pull him down for a wet kiss.

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