Chapter Twenty One

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Today, the staff of Dunder Mifflin, minus Toby of course, are going to the beach. Apparently it's for "team building" or...something. Jim and I have just  come back to work and already, Michael's shenanigans are in full force.

"Okay, everybody have their towels and swimsuits? We have about an hour and a half. I suggest that you all go potty now and then we will be congregating on the partay bus," says Michael with enthusiasm. I have my swimsuit on under a light blue t-shirt and jean shorts. I'm excited about beach day. Seeing Jim in a swimsuit is, of course, a bonus. 

"You aren't wearing your ring," Jim says quietly as we all file out the door. 

"You know why," I say. I don't want everyone in the office to have a big fuss. They don't even know we're dating, much less engaged. 

"We should just tell them.'re ashamed-" Jim starts, but before he can finish his thought we hear the booming voice of Michael Scott.

"This way to the partay bus!" says Michael. After a short ride on a decently luxurious charter bus, we arrive at the lake. I haven't been to the beach since I was in California. I've always loved the beach: the salty air, the bright sun, the hot sand. The beach here in Scranton is...somewhat different. It's cute and small, and no one else is around. The water is less blue and more grey. It's not a paradise, but I'm thrilled nonetheless. When we arrive, we all start to file off of the bus. It's humourous seeing everyone all dressed up for the beach. Stanley is wearing a sunhat and sunglasses, Dwight is wearing thick white sunscreen down his nose. It's fun seeing my coworkers outside of the office, especially with how comical they all look at the beach. Michael stands in front of us next to the bus, ready to make some big speech.

"Everybody, may I have your attention please? Today, we are not just spending the day at the beach." After some moans and groans from Stanley and a few others, we make our way over to the shoreline. It's warm outside, and the hot sun renews my spirits. I stand next to Jim with my arms crossed. He glances over at me with his goofy smile, seemingly not mad at me, and I blush. He still gets my heart racing. 

Michael decides to take advantage of the day by having us all play games. At first, it's just friendly competition and a "team building exercise." Jim beats me in almost every game. He's so tall and athletic that its impossible to beat him at anything. I steal many glances at him throughout the day, remembering our sexy night after our engagement. It's been two days and the sex has literally not stopped. I spend the whole day just wanting to be home with him in bed.

"Hot dog eating contest!"

The gang non-enthusiastically starts to nibble on hot dogs as we sit at a small picnic table. The hot dogs look under-cooked and gross, but that's only because poor Pam had almost no time to prepare them. Michael has been an ass to her today, but she seems to be in an okay mood. I stare down at the second hotdog on my plate and groan. Jim chuckles and he picks at his.

"Come on guys, you can do better than that!" yells Michael, clearly irritated. 

"Why does it matter, Michael? We're just here to have fun," I say, trying to shield my eyes from the blazing sun as I look up at him.

"It does matter. Because whoever wins today...gets my job," he says. His face is completely serious. Stanley starts to shove hot dogs in his face and everyone else soon follows. Jim and I just sit there, nibbling on hot dogs. I don't want Michael's job, and neither does Jim.

"Hey," Jim says to me between games.

"Hey you," I say. He takes my hand and pulls me to the side, away from the others.

"I was thinking...I might call David about the corporate job," he says shyly.

"Really? What happened to not wanting to work at Dunder Mifflin for the rest of your life?" I ask. I'm actually really excited about him wanting that job. It's nice to see him excited about work. He's so damn good at selling paper, he's sure to be a shoe-in.

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