Chapter Fourteen

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"Okay, just move your feet outwards in a V shape," I say to my handsome boyfriend. Jim is really great at almost everything. He's a phenomenal salesman, he's great at sports...but he could use come help with ice skating.

"Don't let go," he says with a nervous smile. I'm holding both of his hands and skating backwards, leading him slowly across the ice.

"You're doing great, babe," I say. He lets out a breathy laugh. We are making slow progress around the skating rink, but I am enjoying watching Jim.

"How are you so good at this?" Jim asks.

"There was this indoor ice skating rink in my hometown in California. It was a major hang out spot, so when I was in elementary I learned to skate to impress the older kids," I say, remembering the many falls I had on the ice.

"Yeah but you're skating fucking backwards, Rach," he says, staring at his feet and trying not to fall.

We travel around the rink slowly. Eventually he gets comfortable enough to where I can skate next to him, one arm linked in his.

"Okay, are you ready?" I ask mischievously.

"Wait, no. Ready for what?" Jim asks nervously. I tell him to keep his feet completely still and take off at full speed, dragging him next to me. He starts giggling as we travel speedily around the rink. We do a full lap before he decides to sit on a bench to rest.

"You go ahead, I wanna watch you," he tells me. I grin at him and take off again, going way faster now. I almost eat shit once or twice, but I always regain my balance. I skate back to Jim, stopping abruptly.

"That was amazing," he says. I laugh, helping him back up. We skate a little while longer but then realize that it's getting quite late and we need to get back home. We do have to work tomorrow, after all.

We catch a cab back to the hotel. When we go upstairs to get our things, the sight of the room almost makes me faint.

Police tape covers our door and two police officers stand just inside. Someone has torn our room apart. The bedspread lies in a heap on the floor, tattered and slashed. The TV is cracked. Our clothes from our suitcases lie in tatters on the bed. A wine bottle from the mini fridge has been smashed on the wall, staining the wallpaper a crimson red.

The manager of the hotel tells us that he has been trying to get ahold of us all day.

"We tried to call you, but it went straight to voicemail. We caught a young woman destroying your room, she's currently in custody," the manager says. Jim and I have had our phones on silent all day and were so involved in our relaxing day out of town that we never even thought to check them. "We are so sorry for any damage to your property. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be anything of value. Just a couple of day's worth of clothes and toiletries."

"Thank you," Jim nods. We walk inside the room, stepping over broken glass and tattered fabric. We didn't leave anything of value in our room, but our property being destroyed is the least of my worries.

"Who did this? Can I see them?" I ask one of the officers. He leads me to the window where I see a young, attractive woman being put into a cop car. 

"We ran her license. She has warrants in three states. Theft and breaking and entering." he says.

I breathe a slight sigh of relief. Is that all it is? Or is it Christian? It's so hard to tell the difference.

Jim and I answer a few questions for the officers, gather what little possessions we have left. and get into our car. The second we get inside, Jim hugs me tightly.

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