Chapter Nine

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I wake up startled by my alarm clock. It's 7 am. The events of the previous night come rushing back and my heart flutters.

Jim is laying beside me on his stomach, his face turned toward me.  He is still sound asleep, letting out soft snores. I smile. We are both still naked from sex session number three that ended at about 2 a.m. I look down at my cleavage and see two giant hickies. At least he had the decency not to place them on my neck. I reach over and gently move his hair out of his face. Pam is always telling him that he needs a haircut. I think his hair is perfection.

My touch must wake him up because his eyes open and he gives me a sleepy smile.

"Hey you," I say. I'm still stroking his hair. He smiles, closing his eyes again.

"Hi beautiful," he says, sighing happily under my touch.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask quietly. His eyes open and he gives me an excited grin.


We finish eating our breakfast, I made about a million pancakes, and Jim gets dressed in his suit from last night, minus the coat. It'll work for the office. I'm happy about this, because I really don't want Jim to leave just yet. It's about 8:00. We have a little time.

I quickly brush my teeth, put on my concealer and mascara, and get dressed in a simple sweater and pencil skirt, careful to cover my hickies. I carry my black pumps with me into the living room and set them by the door. Jim is sitting on my loveseat, looking insanely handsome. He waves me over and I sit on his lap. I blush, thinking about last night. I remember how it felt to convulse in pleasure in Jim's arms. My blush deepens.

"Hmm, thinking about the five orgasms you had last night?" he asks, smirking in triumph. He looks at my cheeks, then my lips, then my eyes.

"You better not let that go to your head, Halpert," I say, chuckling. He nods knowingly. He suddenly licks two of his fingers and then reaches them under my skirt and into my panties. His hand moves under the stretchy material. He puts two fingers in me, pumping slowly, curving them to hit my g-spot. His thumb caresses my clit in soft strokes.

Within minutes, I receive my sixth orgasm courtesy of Jim Halpert.


I sit at my desk, excited to be back to work. The sexual tension at Jim and mine's desks is palpable. Dwight even seems to suspect something.

"Are you two doing it?" he asks. This causes Phyllis to look up, not turning around.

"No Dwight," says Jim, setting down his phone on the receiver.

"Ew," I say. This earns me a look from Jim. He stifles a smile.

Dwight relaxes. "You're right, Rachel. You are way out of his league." I cover my mouth with my hand. Jim's eyes show that he might be offended by Dwight's comment. I send him a wink when no one is looking and he goes back to normal.

Jim finds little ways to mess with me throughout the day. Right before lunch, he walks up to Pam's desk, asking for copies.

"How many?" she asks innocently.

"Oh I need six of them," he says loudly, lingering on the number. He turns to the side and I see his goofy grin. He runs his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip. My breath catches, remembering my delicious sixth orgasm this morning.

"Uh...okay?" Pam is genuinely confused. She asked me earlier in the day about what happened at the barbeque Saturday. I was so busy with Jim I forgot to talk to her. I told her that Jim and I mutually decided to stay just friends. She looked at me through squinted eyes, but said nothing.   

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