Chapter Thirteen

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"Okay. In no particular order: Titanic, The Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Grey, Coraline, and....Cast Away." Jim and I sit at a gas station restaurant just outside of New York. We are playing desert island, a favorite game of his.

"Okay, explain," he says, biting into a french fry.

"Well I chose the first four because they happen to be my favorite movies."

"Fifty Shades of Grey is one of your favorite movies?" he pauses. "Actually you know what? That makes so much sense. Continue."

My mouth drops open and I punch him playfully on the arm. "As I was saying, the first four are for my entertainment but I chose Cast Away to give me motivation that I will someday leave the island. Besides, Tom Hanks has some great survival skills, I might learn a thing or two."

He nods his head in approval. The rest of our dinner is spent with sarcastic jokes, a salad bar, hot chocolate, and beautiful hazel eyes staring into mine.

We arrive at the Marriott at about 8:30. Jim carries our bags inside and checks in. I can feel the sexual tension growing as we step into the elevator. I am so ready for our romantic night together.

We step into our room and I immediately flop on the bed, feeling the white comforter with my fingertips. I have always loved hotels, especially hotel beds. I sigh happily as Jim sets our bags on the floor. He snickers at me, shaking his head. He takes off his shoes and flops down hard beside me. I giggle, sitting up to remove my shoes. Just as I am setting them on the floor, Jim wraps both arms around me from behind and pulls me up into the air and onto my back ontop of him. He proceeds to tickle my sides playfully. I am trapped in his grip. He's relentless, tickling everything in sight. He plants raspberries on my neck and I am overcome with giggles.

"Jim!" I say in between laughs and shrieks. This means war.  I sit up and get a grip on his feet.

"Oh no no no," he says, trying to wriggle his feet out of my grasp. I tickle them relentlessly until he is literally crying with laughter.

"You started it, Halpert," I say when I finally let go.

"You are pure evil," he says, pointing menacingly at me at he gets up. He has a huge smile on his red face. "Want some ice?" he asks, holding up a small bucket.

"Yes please," I say, sweaty from the tickle war.

When Jim returns, I'm laying up in bed, flipping through channels on the TV. He hands me a plastic cup of ice water and I gulp it down gratefully.

I finally decide on a channel and Jim sits beside me on the bed, resting his head on my tiny shoulder. He rubs his chin in concentration.

"What exactly are we watching?" he asks. I had landed on an infomercial for Flex Seal.

"It's Flex Seal: Liquid Rubber In A Can!" I say, mocking the man in the commercial.

"Hmm..." says Jim, rubbing his chin in thought. "This is not exactly a turn on, but that is some strong ass spray paint."

"What, this doesn't give you a boner?" I ask playfully. He looks up at me, chuckling. I turn off the TV and turn to him.

"I love you," I say. He smiles at me and kisses me softly.

"I love you too. Speaking of which, I have a question for you. When exactly did you realize that you liked me?" he asks. He looks at me in amusement.

I have to think for a moment before I answer. I pretty much had my eye on him since I first saw him at my interview, so its hard to pinpoint a time.

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