Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"I have your number, just so you know." An Irish voice said behind us.

All three of us laughed.

"Okay." Chase smiled. "Good to know."

"Kay bye." Niall said and hung up.

"Yo, Ayley!" Zayn shouted from the other side of the bus. "Come here!"

I got up and waddled over to him.

"Sit." He patted his lap.

I laughed and wiggled past Perrie who was sitting in the seat next to him and sat on his lap.

"Look." He pointed.

"Speak in full sentences!" Perrie laughed.

"No!" Zayn said.

"Look at what?" I asked, smiling.

"That!" His finger wavered in the summer air.

I didn't see anything special.


"Oh my gosh." He groaned. "That, there!"

"Zayn, I'm not seeing anyth- oh my God! What is that!"

"I told you!" He shouted.

"What is it?" Perrie leaned forward and tried to see what Zayn and I saw.

"What are we looking at?" Harry said as he and Emma came over.

"I don't know! Zayn, what is it? It's sparkly!"

"It's a building." Zayn said.

"A what?" I asked.

Zayn laughed. "A building. You know, floor, four walls, ceiling-"

"I know what a building is! But why is that one so pretty?"

"Because I decorated it that way." He said. "Paul! Stop the bus!"

Paul went down the stairs into the main level of the bus.

"What? You decorated it that way? What?" I asked.

"Get up." He said.


"Get off me, peasant!"

I laughed. "What's going on?"

"You'll see. Niall!" He called.

"What, man?"

"Come get your pregnant girlfriend."

Niall did as told. He walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"What's going on?" I asked Perrie, thinking she might tell me.

I was wrong. "I don't know."


"I don't know." Niall said. "Zayn, what are you doing?"

"You'll see!" Zayn said.

I grunted.

"Come on, grunty, we're getting off the bus."

"Okay fine. Chase, Jess, Alex, etcetera, apparently we're getting off now."

"Why? Where are we going?" Alex asked as she walked up.

"No clue." I said.



"Alrighty then, let's go." Niall said. "I'm following you, Zayn."

"Wait." Zayn said.

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