Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"So what are we doing today?" I asked all of my awake friends.

"I don't know. It's your birthday." Harry moaned.

"Not anymore." I said. "It's the thirty-first now."

"Barely." He plopped his head back down onto his pillow, face first.

    I heard a groan come from the very inhumanly-looking log of a sleeping bag/blanket/pillow mess that was Liam.

The log spoke. "What time is it?"

"Nearly 8:00." Louis told him.

"Everyone shut up so I can sleep."

"No, get up." I smiled and walked over to the log and pulled back the blankets, revealing Liam in the fetal position.

I laughed.

"Go away." He tried pulling the blankets back over him but I held them tight.

"Everyone else is awake." I explained.

"Niall isn't."

"Yea, I am." Niall walked over.

"Zayn isn't."

"Yep. I'm up too."


"I'm awake, Liam." Louis interrupted.

"You're the only one still in bed, Lilo." I said.

He grunted.

"Get up." I laughed.

He flung his hands up and I took them and helped him to his feet.

"I'm tired." He rubbed his eyes.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, now that everyone was awake.

"I don't know, I said!" Harry said, over dramatically.

I laughed.

"Let's go to a pub." Louis suggested.

"Okay a) it's 8:00 in the morning and b) I'm pregnant." I said.


"How about we go downtown and see the sights?" Zayn offered.

"Okay." I smiled.

"It's decided, then." Louis patted Zayn on the back.

"Oh my gosh, can we go to the University?!" I exclaimed.


I squealed.

    Edinburgh University was part of my forty-year life plan. My whole plan consisted of going to University in Ontario, studying abroad in Scotland, falling in love there, going home and getting a degree in music, moving back to Scotland, getting a degree in education, getting married and having four kids (boy, girl, boy, girl), waiting until the kids all developed sturdy Scottish accents and then moving back to my homeland to become a music teacher at my high school and eventually grow old with my beautiful husband. Of course, that was no longer the case since I'd met Niall but I still wanted to go to Edinburgh University and become a high school music teacher.

    As we made our way to downtown Edinburgh, we passed by a group of about four or five girls walking down the sidewalk. They looked all about the same age, around fifteen or sixteen. I asked if we could stop and say hi and the driver of the bus pulled over. I got off the bus alone first.

"Excuse me." I said as I walked up behind them.

"Oh my God." One girl said. "You're Ayley Gilbert."

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