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She made sure that she is 5 minutes early before the training session. She has been discharge from the hospital just two days ago after two weeks of being confined in the hospital. Her wound in the right arm was still on the process of healing after the bandages were removed.

Now she was in the home, she wonders where her two mistresses went. So is GD. She was wandering in the wholeness of the house's backyard without catching the souls of those two ladies since she was discharge. GD was nowhere in sight also. if not for the presence of some assigned men to guard the house, she would thought that she was totally locked out alone.

And like two days ago, she religiously woke up early in the morning, assuming that the Kid boss is out there in the Dojo waiting. She slid the door open and was greeted by an empty space again.

*Guess he grow tired on training me?* Dara shrugged and decided to go back to her room instead. She looked up in the still dark sky. So peaceful around her and so serene. She stop from her tracks and inhaled the fresh morning breeze.

"Amazing that you're up this early..."

Dara was taken by surprise and whipped her head on him. "You're here..."

"Of course this is my place." He answered as he walked passed on her. She followed him.

" Aren't we having our training? Hey where are you going?"

GD stops on his tracks and turns to her. " Skating."

"Skating?" Her eyes went to the skateboards on his left side. "Oh I see... skateboarding."

For a moment he stared at her as she stared at him.

"Come with me."


Dara has no chance to refuse when he got her by wrist. His grip was surprisingly gentle and it made her smile for unknown reason. They head out from the gate with some men tailing a distance from them. GD let go of her and mounted on his skateboard and flawlessly do some skillful stunts that would make Dara scarily call his name every now and then.

"O my gosh, you kids these days are so daredevil!" Dara said fanning herself in nervousness. Despite that's it's still early in the morning, she was feeling so humid over all her body. Blame it on the kid gliding on some railings on the street using his skateboard.

"What did you call me?"

*oh uh*


"You call me a kid?"

He walked slowly to Dara, eyes bore against her. She is too sure that this kiddo one scary monster when he's mad. He was towering her when she looked up apologetically. GD's eyes wanders her whole face before it landed on her lips. He gulped for the thought of tasting it again. Dara on the other hand innocently bit her lips, smiling. He flinched by that and grudgingly muttered something in Japanese.

"Huh? I didn't catch that. What?" She asked him.

Instead of answering, he let go of the skateboard on the pavement. Dara looked at it then to him as he walked a distance from her.

" Today's task, come here through that." He said in a serious tone.

She blinked once twice unable to get it at first. "Oh my, GD. No way. I can't. I don't do skateboarding." She frantically shook her head."

" I'm waiting."


"Do it."

"I'll just carry it while walking towards you."

CODE OF JINGE: His Mafia CodeWhere stories live. Discover now