Chapter 17

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The night went on, but I couldn't get Lennon out of my mind. I knew she was struggling with something and I wanted to know so I could help her. I wonder what it was that got her like that. She was perfectly fine this morning. I just couldn't seem to forget about her and what she was going through all night, it was actually stressing me.

It broke my heart when I saw her walk out the bathroom with bloodshot eyes. She had been crying and I desperately wanted to know why. I wanted to know what was the cause of her tears. What if it was a guy? Did she even have a guy in her life? She never told me, but if she does well then that's a bummer for me.

"You alright mate? You seem a bit out of it." Zayn came up to me, patting my back.

"I can't stop thinking about Lennon." I admitted.

"Aw mate, you gotta tell her that you fancy her." He smirked.

"I know, but I'm not thinking about that actually. It's what happened earlier?" I said.

"What happened?" He asked with concern. I knew he cared for her like a sister since they'd been friends longer.

"I saw her walking out of the bathroom and I noticed she had been crying. I asked over and over again what was wrong but she just wouldn't tell me." I said. "Something was bothering her and I'm pretty sure that was the main reason she left."

"You don't think it could be hate she was dealing with? Maybe some fans outside told her something. Jared had mentioned something that she gets really upset with hate and can't handle it." Zayn said.

I then remembered about the day when I went to her house and noticed the scars on her wrists. Could it be hate that made her get like this? Shit, she was alone. What if she tried to hurt herself? Nobody would be there to stop her.

"Oh fuck, I have to go to her." I said placing my beer on a nearby table.

"Yeah, I think that'd be the best. And while you're there, I think it's time to admit your feelings to her mate." He said.

"I don't know, man." I shrugged. "I'm gonna go now, tell the boys I'll see them later."

"Will do." He nodded. I quickly gave him a hug goodbye and left the after party. I luckily walked out without having anybody stop me.

I didn't need any interruptions right now. I just needed to get to Lennon as soon as possible.


Ten minutes later, the taxi I was in pulled up to the hotel. Of course, paparazzi and fans were there outside. I knew sooner or later that rumours about Lennon and I were going to start up, but I didn't really care at the moment. I had to get to Lennon.

Before I stepped out the cab, I paid the driver then hurried myself inside the hotel, managing to escape the fans and paparazzi. I rushed inside an elevator and quickly pressed the floor number where everyone's rooms were.

"Come on, come on." I said as the elevator doors closed slowly. Finally they closed and the lift started to move.

"Ding!"  I had reached our floor now.

The doors opened and I ran out into the hall. Running down the corridor, I kept looking for Lennon's room number. Finally I reached her room. I reached for the door handle and turned it, only to find it locked.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

I pulled out my room key to see if it would open the room, but it didn't. Fortunately, a bellhop was passing by and I noticed he had keys in his belt buckle.

"Excuse me, do you think you can open my room? I forgot my key inside." I lied.

"Sure." He shrugged. He grabbed his keys and stuck one of them in the keyhole. The door finally opened.

"Thank you so much." I said before stepping inside the room.

It was quiet in there. There were yet no sign of Lennon.

"Lennon?" I spoke out.

I walked into her room, but she wasn't there. However, her laptop was on her bed opened up to Twitter. I took a few steps closer and looked at what she had been reading on Twitter.

"Lennon is so ugly." "She's such a whore, why can't she just leave the boys alone." "Lennon is so fat." "Her ears are so huge, she looks like dumbo." "Wish she would just die already." "Hey Lennon why don't you kill yourself already? Nobody wants you in this world."

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. How could people say all these untrue things about her?

Fuck. Where is she?

"Lennon!" I called out, before noticing the bathroom lights were on.

Quickly, I ran over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

"Lennon, if you're in there please open the door." I said.

"Harry?" Came her sweet voice from behind the door. She sounded broken, and fragile.

"Lennon, open it please." I knocked on the door.

"Go away." She sniffed.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay, please Len." I said.

When she didn't reply, I proceeded to try and open the door with my foot. I kicked and kicked at it until it finally flew open.

My eyes landed in her small body sitting on the floor. I looked down to her left wrist, and my eyes widened with horror. There was blood pouring out slowly.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Lennon!"

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